Sunday, December 12, 2010

wikileaks for the truth!

This will be the last week before the Christmas break! it's only 2 weeks of holidays but I certainly need them! I mean, holidays are always welcome! hahah...

Been a while since I last updated this...

One thing that's upseting me lately: The whole controvesy about wikileaks!
For those of you who don't know what this is about, here's a short explanation: Wikileaks is a website with the same style of wikipedia created in 2006 by the Australian hacker Julian Assange where users can send their leaked documents such as government confidencial files, untold stories and other things that happen but the governments don't want us to know. This is due to some of those stories are so embarassing it would make them look bad... but we want to know the truth!! Stories such as the president of Brazil being involved in plans for bank robberies, a video of a shooting of civilians and journalists by American soldiers in Iraq and funny things like what Americans really think of other countries: For example they compared Vladimir Putin and Dimitry Medvedev (Russian president and Prime Minister) to Batman and Robin respectively.
The leaked files are sent to a team that will analyze them and post them in they feel they're plausible enough

Recently, the website was classified as a terrorist site by the US government and Julian Assange was considered to be the 2nd worst enemy of the United States (after Bin Laden!)
They have no right to designate Wikileaks a terrorist website just because they reveal the truth... It's not their fault the truth is so "awful".
I think the governments are the real terrorists.

Julian Assange was put to jail this week and is awaiting judgement for a "rape" story he did while in Sweden.
Basically, Assange's rape story is a load of bullshit and it's just an excuse to put him behind bars. They saw this as the perfect opportunity to put him down. Unbelivable.

I already closed my Paypal account, because you see wikileaks is a non-profit organization and it depends on donations to stay alive. Recently, wikileak's paypal account was shutdown after earlier this year being frozen for 3 months with 10,000$ worth of donations there.
I disliked that attitude and so did many supporters of wikileaks and now they're the target of many hacking attacks. Serves them right.

We want the truth!

Here's the link: