Friday, January 28, 2011


I'm facing a turbulent period. I have many responsabilities going on to think and care about. I can only say one kind of responsabilities which is study really hard to pass the final exam. The other won't I can't say it because it's too personal :3

Let's see if I'm up to those challenges. I've been haaving one hell of a time thinking and finding motivation to go on but I always end up standing and ready for more. I get knocked down but I get up again! I already got some ideas of what to do but I don't know if it's enough. Such a bitter feeling this is! I'll just belive in myself hope for the best...
People are counting on me. Real people. I can't let them down! heheh don't worry... I always find a way, even if I have to do some personal sacrifices on my part.

Life is full of challenges...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Break is over :P

No, this blog isn't dead. It was just taking a break xD bloggers need to take a break too, you know. We work ever so hard to make our posts so interesting! :333

Ok, now I'll let sarcasm take a break and explain the real reason why I wasn't updating this. Well, more than one reason actually. Lack of time, lack of will, lazyness, lack of interest... and I think that's it. Not that anyone cares or reads this anyway.

Instead of writing how I spent my Christmas or New year's eve, I'll just post about something I noticed a long time ago but happened again lately. I might post about Christmas and New year some other time if I got nothing else to say :P
So, today when I arrived at school, one of my best best friends comes to me with a pissed off face. Then he showed me his cell phone and a text message from the girl he was chasing. It said "I have other things to do other than replying to you. Fuck you! bye". Yup, that exact thing. He didn't say or do anything wrong. she didn't reply him for 3 days for no apparent reason. Then she sends this... Well, this is just more of the same, ha. I'm not even going there :P

Guys usually like to hide their feelings and bottle things up. This is probably the reason almost nobody ever knows about what they're going through and just try to look as normal as possible. Someone told this to me and that person is right!

"in the end, it all comes down to one paper..." "nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it." I will do it and dedicate it to ya.