Monday, June 4, 2012

You used to be cool

What happened to you? you used to be cool, you used to be nice, unique, talkative when you feel confortable, had strong wishes and desires.... now I just see you doing what others want you to do, no power of will, cold, distant... This is not the girl I once loved. Gotta ask yourself the question: Who are you now? The time we spent talking about everything and nothing, doing everything and nothing together... Those times now seem so far away. And the new you with all the problems seems here to stay. I can't believe this happened to you.
I loved you from head to toes but those people who are influencing you are people who can't fool me. You were a great girl always happy, always smiling, now you always have a drama face, I see you losing the spark day by day, week by week. Stop it. Everyone already noticed that you don't have a happy face.
You have your whole life ahead, be careful what you wanna do and what you wanna be. Be yourself.

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