Thursday, September 23, 2010

Poison on the inside

I agree with you when you say a book shouldn't be judged by its cover. Yes, you. You know who you are ^^
You can't judge a book by its cover. Beauty is so much more than the part you see with your eyes. Some parts you can only see with the heart (woooo did I just say this?). Some people may look good on the outside but they're poisonous on the inside

This is what happens:

Stabs you in the back when you ain't lookin'.

Not many people think this nowadays. Many are just in it for the look. But most eventually realize their mistake later... There is something more left to find. Something more...

DJ promoter:
Yup, it's my honour to promote DJ's on youtube. I currently have an account with 118 trance techno music videos uploaded, three of them with 100,000+ views and around 3,600 subscribers so I'm using all that popularity to promote some awesome but not very well known dj's seeking to become famous. And I do it for FREE! Good music like this needs to be promoted! xD I will still continue to upload my hard disk songs though.

So since I was bored, I did some test to see how optimistic I am:

Optimism test: (copy the link)

I scored 44 points out of 100 which makes me...

over 80 points - Bravo, you are a confirmed optimist!
------> from 40 to 80 points - You are moderately optimistic, things will get better in time !
less than 40 points - You are beginning to be optimistic, you can certainly do better than this !

Fabulous! xP I hope so...

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