Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The future of video games

There's no question that recently and increasingly, video games are becoming more complex every year as technology makes progress.
However, that's not necessarily a good thing. If fact, it's turning out to be a bad thing. Arguments:

Gamers who play the latest versions of each game that comes out are obviously nerds. They spend hours and even days without doing anything else. They get pissed if someone interrupts their activity.

Here's my vision of today's gamer: A young boy around 14-16 years old, fat, with glasses, somewhat anti-social, no girlfriend and the only friends he's got are his empty pizza boxes.

Some people might say: You're obviously basing your point of view on stereotypes. Of course not all gamers are like I mentioned, just the vast majority of them. You would think some of those problems might be solved in the future with all the interactive movement games coming out recently like the Nintendo Wii and such. To those people, I only got one argument based on facts. Here are some of the most played games that were recently released and are a success in terms of sales:

Counter Strike Source (2004) The second most played online game today.

Team Fortress 2 (2007)

Resident Evil 5 (2009)

Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

Left 4 dead 2 (2009)

Call Of Duty: Black Ops (2010)

See, I noticed some similarities between them. In all of these games, you're a guy just pointing a stick at stuff and shooting the shit out of everything and everyone. This is what you call exercise? Awesome!

Also, another point: These kind of games although they're all the same and very repetitive, they require a lot of time to get used to them and eventually get good at them.

Back in my days, we didn't need any fancy graphics and complex stories. Yes, we had simple music, the graphics were somewhat primitive but we still had a great time playing our games... mmmmmmmm, Tetris, Street Fighter 2, Earthbound... Those are the games I grew up with and played in my early childhood...
But now with all these new games coming out with stunning graphics that require the last generation computer to be able to play them, the gameplay has slowly been replaced by the graphics.... Shame.

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