Friday, January 28, 2011


I'm facing a turbulent period. I have many responsabilities going on to think and care about. I can only say one kind of responsabilities which is study really hard to pass the final exam. The other won't I can't say it because it's too personal :3

Let's see if I'm up to those challenges. I've been haaving one hell of a time thinking and finding motivation to go on but I always end up standing and ready for more. I get knocked down but I get up again! I already got some ideas of what to do but I don't know if it's enough. Such a bitter feeling this is! I'll just belive in myself hope for the best...
People are counting on me. Real people. I can't let them down! heheh don't worry... I always find a way, even if I have to do some personal sacrifices on my part.

Life is full of challenges...

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