Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thinking causes pain

I read an interesting idea. Pain comes from thinking. Come to think of it, it's true! When people live in ignorance and don't think about the consequences of their actions because they simply don't know it's wrong, they don't feel guilty.
On the other hand, if a person knows that their actions are wrong and keeps thinking about it, the little conscience bug starts biting and their guilty sences jumps into scene :)

For example, we got a farmer who is an illetirate. He can't read or write. Let's say, that farmer uses dangerous products for the human in his potatoes because he heard it makes the popatoes grow faster but he has no idea of the threat it is for teh human health. He doesn't know he's doing something wrong and therefore he won't feel guilty.
On the other hand, if we keep thinking about the things we do or don't do, we will only cause ourselves more pain...

I wish I could stop thinking about certain things... Easier said than done.

Why do humans waste the days with thinking? why hurt ourselves?

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