Saturday, April 2, 2011

What a day

April fools... funny day. You can say whatever you want and be whoever you are for a day. The challenge here is making others belive your stories :P

But it's not because of that that I had a weird day. It's the small things. The small things are the most important in life, life is made of many small things!

It's one hell of a long story and I'm too lazy to post it here now... so maybe next time :3

Anyways, time goes by, no time to think about it xP

Eminem's "superman" song says "girls, they come they go" That would be true for most people. But by this point, everyone should know I'm normal so neither of these apply to me. They don't come or go, hahaah... I'm jk

I've been having one heck as a time finding news, codes and images to post on my school project's website. Our website is about new technologies and gaming but well, here I am writing this at nearly 1am xD I wonder if anyone even reads this?

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