Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Darkside

For a while now and since I got so much free time at the moment, I was reading a few dirty little secrets on some sites where you can annonymously post your rants/thoughts about our sweet ex's. Husbands, bf's gf's wives... all there.
Take a look:

It's worth mentioninng that most users from that website are American. Seriously, look at some of those posts. They're f*cked in the head! I know, I know. It only shows THEIR side of the story and I'm sure many of them just victimise themselves in order to get the reader's support and it would probably be a lot different if we could hear both sides. But wow! Amazing...

Oh yeah, take a look at the confessions site... some are just unbelivable...

What a world...

Daylight savings time is over again. hmmmm... kinda weird to get used to this new time at first. Besides, it's been proven recently that the day Daylight Savings occur is the LEAST productive day of the year. ha, didn't expect that. Also, I heard recently that we get exposed to more hours of solar radiation and that can lead to some heath problems like cancer.
For those of you who don't know what Daylight Savings is, it goes something like this: Every year on the last weekend of March, at 1:59am of Sunday, everyone officially sets the clock 1 hour ahead of normal time. So at 1:59am it goes straight to 3am. Governments consider that in doing so, the country saves energy by turning on the lights later, for example at 8pm (which would be 7pm in regular time). But they don't count that we sleep 1 hour less!
Ok, so then in the last weekend of October, the Daylight Saving time period is over and we set our clocks back 1 hour again. At 1:59am of Sunday, the clock goes to 1am again and then goes on normally.
It feels weird at first and it takes a bit to get used to this... I strongly disagree with daylight savings time for many reasons.

weeee, no more exams until late November! finally I can be a slacker again :'3

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