Wednesday, October 27, 2010

fire next door

So like, today I went to tuition class and in the middle, the building next to ours was literally on fire! hahahah I heard the ambulance noise from inside the clasroom in the 3rd floor and after a few seconds I asked my tutor "is there an ambulance outside?" and when looked out the window he saw a firetruck there. "it's a firetruck" he said. Then he looked next window and there was a lot of smoke comming out from there. Then we all get up (I was having class with 2 girls at that time) and saw it too and everyone down there looking at our window and the one on fire. He rushed to tell the hairdresser girl next door and when she looked out the window her reaction was priceless. She totally freaked out! aaahahahah. She was in such a hurry she went running downstairs and didn't even wanna take the elevator xD
So us 3 and our tutor went outside a while for like 15 minutes and watched it from there. It wasn't such a big deal, really. Just someone that left the stove on while she left home and burned half the house down in the process... big deal :P
Then came the fire estinguisher men inside there and more smoke frm the estuguishers come out... No material was damanged from the classroom building... We even joked about the situation xP

siiigh it's getting less and less likeley... =/ good luck, me.

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