Tuesday, November 9, 2010

books? what's a book?

Normally, I would say I never touch books (unless it's school books, but I'm talking about regular books here... stories). I hate reading long books, long books full of text, no pictures and complex vocabulary.
So far, there's no exception. I never read a full text-only book in my whole life until now :) Even when I have to read a book for school, usually in order to do a quiz about the book or an oral presentation with the story of a certain book as the topic, I just go to the internet and downloada much more brief version with all the essencials. Basically, I turn a 600 page sonster into a 4 page summary. Ha, I'm not the only one doing this. In fact, it's hard to find a person who actually does read them. That's what they get for forcing us!
If I wanted to read a fucking book then I'd buy or rent a fucking book. Why do they need to force us? Not enough interest? well, think of a way! Marketing dudes? o.o'

This year, I got a 7 page book (surprisingly!!) and I read it quite well in about 30 minutes or so. I actually enjoyed the story. In fact, I might post here a brief summary and review of it here if I have time and if I have nothing better to do xP
I will do an oral presentation of it on the 29th. I was like "WTF!! o.e" when I saw it's only 7 pages long ;o The story was quite good, and I could relate to the characters in a way I would have never expected...

that's all the time I got for now. I'll update this soon.

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