Wednesday, November 3, 2010

stuh- dy

In a way, the human being is really low. Especially when it comes to the mental side. Bah.
Times of sadness and depression during people around my age group comes and goes all the time. Wild mood swings. Like a pendulum or a showers day. sunshine, then rain then more sunshine then more rain... and so on. Human beings are weak -.-'

Anyways, I'm coming back from my blow to the confidence. Today I talked to one of my good friends. He's not anywhere close to be a smart guy but the dude had a 18/20 on this maths test!! We were in the same class for 2 years and now although we're in different classes this maths test envolved the same thing.
His average grades at maths and every other subjects were like... 11/20-12/20... When he told me he had 18 I was like "you're kidding, right?". But he was serious ;o
He told me that last year when he failed the final maths exam and as a result he had to stay this year and try again, he didn't do shit and was lazy all year. He only used to study like... 3 days before tests (like me!) but this year it's different. He said that this year he studies 3-4 hours a day everyday! "Wow!" I thought.
In conclusion, even if someone is not good at maths, with hardwork and as long as you try hard enough, you'll achieve your goals. This lesson is for you too :)

With you said, you might say I wanna be less like the "last year him" and more like the "this year him". I feel more motivated now and I think I will make it. Fuck it, if he can do it, I can do it too! I'm not inferior to him in anything!

Now is the part coffee does its job! xDDD but I hope I don't have a C6!

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