Tuesday, July 27, 2010

UK black couple gives birth to white baby

Watch this video. It's another one of nature and genetics's greatest mysteries although we could call it a goof xD
The baby is confirmed not to be an albino. White skin genetics are known to be able to skip generations, however neither of the parents (both from Nigeria) are aware of any white ancentry. Now that's fucked up.

I just wanted to share this story I found somewhere ^.^

Friday, July 23, 2010

it's time for...

Well, the time has come once again. I'm talking about my hometown's annual party that lasts 5 days. The only 5 days of the year when this city doesn't suck!! xDDD
It's got concerts, animation events, music on the streets and my personal favourite, an amusement park! ;D they have bumper cars, children's rides, the pit of death, some wild chairs that go up and down and a giant wheel where people sit on some kinda big chair and go on a wild ride. I'll post images here if I can.

During the day, it's empty as fuck and almost nobody is there. But after like... 9:30pm, it starts filling and there's a lot of people and almost every attraction gets full.

Well, I still didn't get the call about my job, but I except to start on August 1st the most...
Today so far I just sit here all day (I went out the last 3 consecutive days) so we might say it's my rest day xP
There's this Thai girl I got on my msn who had nothing better to do so she got he guitar and played a few well known songs in front of a live audience of which I'm the only person xPPP Well, she's just getting started... She started like 2 weeks ago so she's not exactly a pro yet. But I did like her voice a lot. It kinda reminds me of Hayley Williams from Paramore or Avril a bit. And her accent is so cute hahahhah ;D Good times. I liked listening to her.
Too bad she got a bf :P naw jk ^.^
I would post her pic here but uhm... I better not :p

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

here we go

So these past few days I haven't update this much but I got good excuses for that. This Saturday I was out all day with friends and later in the evening I had to go to my granny's. Friday I had to go to a city like 28km away from my hometown to sign a bunch of papers in order to apply to the job in the factory. Seriously, what's the deal? and I had to be there at 10am, so imagine what hour I had to get up. And I don't know shit about the city so I went around and around and around...... until I was finally able to find the place where I was supposted to go. The city is considerably larger then my hometown (about 50,000 people comparing to my hometown's 15,000). But yeah it was fun figuring out where I had to go and how everything works out. I mean, everyone loves to figure that shit out, right?

Yesterday I just took a rest and stayed home watching tv, on the pc... lazy stuff. It was fun actually, heh xD talking with my friends, play games, chat with pretty girls ^.^ xP

Here's an interesting tektonik video I found and wanna share with everyone reading this:

After watching this, I have some serious doubts which one is better: tektonik or shuffle. They're both fun to watch, I can tell ya that.
The song kick ass too! it's Basshunter, one of my favourite dj's ;D The song name is "Now you're gone" Huge dance hit around Europe.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fuck the fashion sheep!

Fashion sheep. I absolutely hate their attitude!! One thing is following the fucking fashion of today and always have the latest and brand new MTV top music video junk that teenage girls are usually crazy about... for like 6 days before a new one comes out. But this is different. They want to force or pressure others into following those pathetic trends to at the risk of those people being called "outdated" and "uncool". But you know what's even more uncool? The incapacity of these stupid fucks to have their own tastes and preferences and instead being brainwashed by MVT piece of shit and other marketing shitski and following their every move about fashion or celebraties as stupid as they may be. I take my hat for those companies who came up with such a brilliant marketing scheme and must make millions and millions and millions thanks to those stupid fucks.

Another thing: good music is good music, no matter how old it is.

So I'm sorry ms Eng but I won't sink low enough to get a haircut like that stupid celebrity sissy you showed me last time, sorry to disappoint you. I follow my own style. I do things my way xP

New blog

So this is my new blog. I'll be posting new stuff here instead because let's face it: the other looked like a piece of fucking shit!

This is not done yet, I still gotta add some music, and the other useless crap everybody uses to make their blog more shinny and colorful :)

Meanwhile you can start counting until 7,000,000 slowly. Once you finish it my blog will most likely be ready ;D