Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fuck the fashion sheep!

Fashion sheep. I absolutely hate their attitude!! One thing is following the fucking fashion of today and always have the latest and brand new MTV top music video junk that teenage girls are usually crazy about... for like 6 days before a new one comes out. But this is different. They want to force or pressure others into following those pathetic trends to at the risk of those people being called "outdated" and "uncool". But you know what's even more uncool? The incapacity of these stupid fucks to have their own tastes and preferences and instead being brainwashed by MVT piece of shit and other marketing shitski and following their every move about fashion or celebraties as stupid as they may be. I take my hat for those companies who came up with such a brilliant marketing scheme and must make millions and millions and millions thanks to those stupid fucks.

Another thing: good music is good music, no matter how old it is.

So I'm sorry ms Eng but I won't sink low enough to get a haircut like that stupid celebrity sissy you showed me last time, sorry to disappoint you. I follow my own style. I do things my way xP

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