Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Born To Teach?

Recently I've been having this thought in the back of my head... What if I used my language learning gift and the patient personality trait I have and became a teacher? But not any kind of teacher. I was thinking maybe I could be an English or Portuguese teacher in China. Definitely sounds like a job I would like to have. And after I was informed that foreign teachers make good money at the end of the month, I become even more interested.

Yeah, I realize that being a teacher is not all rainbows and butterflies but I believe I'm the right kind of person for that job.
I remember earlier this year when I did my oral presentation in my Portuguese language class, I got a topic which was all about national and European history. My topic was the French Revolutions of 1789 and the French invasions of Portugal. Being an oral presentation, we can't do anything other than stand up and just talk to the class but everyone took a paper with them to take a peek at their topics ;) I was the only one who didn't take a paper. Even my teacher was surprised, hahah xD
At the end of my presentation, many of my friends and my teacher said I would make a good history teacher because I can explain the details well!

It's very practical if things stay the way they are now because my girlfriend wouldn't need to move out of her motherland and I would have a new country, something I've always wanted...

I'm aware of how it's like in China, it's not really the most free country out there, in fact, it's got very manipulated news sources and questioning political decisions is something to be done at home only, but I'm still willing to spend my life in it if I spend it with HER... :)
Besides, It's far from being the worst out there too.

Now I need to focus on earning at least a bachelor's degree so that I have better chances of getting the job. Okay, let's do this!

Heheh... so maybe I will follow someone's footsteps? Yeah, I think that's really what I want.

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