Saturday, July 2, 2011

When I'm tired

I did some research, and I found this question on yahoo answers:

Title: "Why do I feel depressed when I'm tired?"
"Every night when i get tired, I start to hate the world more, miss my girlfriend more and listen to angrier music. Does anyone else feel this way? It's really beginning to get old."

Funny, this guy has exactly the same problem I do, except I don't get depressed. Just I get the feeling I'm not doing anything right,

Voted answer:

"Yes,tiredness can cause multiple comlications to anybody,but especially those suffering from a mental issue.

Think about it like war times...sleep DEPRAVATION is OFTEN used as a form of that shows how POWERFUL it can effect both mind AND body:-(

I'd try to avoid that type of can have a HUGE impact on emotions in some people,you'll just aggervate yourself/your depression more:-("

Well, it's hard to explain. But when I don't sleep enough, I have even more mood swings than a girl having her period :)
One moment I'm normal, the next I feel blue, 5 minutes later in okay already...

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