Tuesday, July 12, 2011

That makes it 2!

Woah, it's been 2 months already... Seems like yesterday I wrote in this same blog the post regarding our first month together...

I'm happy with you as my girlfriend, it's true. You're the only sunshine in my life, the reason that makes me smile everyday. I can't imagine life without you now.
It was indeed a special day today. Regardless of our little meaningless temporary disagreements, even I was impressed I could say those things to you, in "our moment". Sometimes it's not easy to honestly say what goes in my heart. But those words, I really meant them.

My new wish now, other than of course keeping this relationship, is that I meet you this summer, we have a good time, our relationship grows and we both became completely sure of what we already have in our minds: I wanna spend my life with you :) oh, what am I saying... I'm already sure I want it. But just to confirm, you know. haha... :P You will be more than welcome to annoy me anytime you want, hahah... In return, I will be more than happy to be annoyed by you... you only Jie <3 But that means you have to put up with me too. Poor you ;)
Anyway, at least after we meet we can already say we're in love with someone we already met before... But obviously, that won't change the fact that in the first 3 months of our relationship we never have and we were in love in a way like this... Yeah, it's something magical and unique. Our story is one of a kind :) haha... it's quite a story to tell our friends at some stage, huh?...

In this month you definitely matured as the woman you are. I can feel it. You learned how to take care of yourself better now, how to defend yourself better from other people saying things about you (joking or not), to act more responsable... In short, you're becoming quite a woman. Jealous little girl? We all have our own way of being jealous, like it or not. And we all got our inner child inside of us.
Sometimes I admit that I act that way you said too. We all have those moments, honey. That's what makes us ourselves.

Love is not about money. It's not about skin colour, distance, nationality, beliefs. It's about a special unique kind of connection 2 people have between them but yes, not everyone is able to find that connection... I don't want to jump to conclusions yet but right now I think I found mine already... Please tell me I'm correct and I'm a lucky one :) A little more time will give me the answer.

To finish I want to promise you:
I will give my heart and soul to ensure your patience was worth it. To ensure our efforts weren't in vain, but most importantly, to make sure you won't get hurt in the end. You will see. If 2 people are meant for each other, if it is true love, it will all be worthwhile. I'm no expert but I can assure you that.
I really hope this is the ending we get, babe.

Here's a crappy image I made. That paper was blank when I took this photo in 2008 but with my awesome photoshop skills I wrote something there (tried to at least!) hahah ;) this is just for you to laugh ;D

(Click the image to see it bigger ;) )

I love you Jie Liang. Always.

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