Thursday, August 5, 2010

Calm days

ok, so I had busy days recently with a lot to do and I've been outside during the afternoon in many days. But of course, that can't be an excuse for lazyness from my part too. I might sign up for another job, more towards the end of the month because I could really use some money xD

I don't know what to say, really. I mean, many things happened these past few days but it's just stuff that's not worth blogging up.

I was watching at some Japanese school girl uniform pictures a while back. I wonder how they allow them, no wait, demand them to go to dressed up like that 0.o ! jeez, male teachers there can't complain about he lack of eye candy rofl. It must be a sweet job to have, especially in all girls school eh? xP

0.o !

hohoho.... might as well ask them to come with bra and panties =)

I would say "they should make uniform like that here too" but I won't because that would only make this country worse than it already is. The no brain sluts would get even more cocky not to mention most are ugly as fuck too and I get nausea just to look at them in normal clothes... imagine in those tight revealing uniforms. I'd fuckin' vomit.

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