Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Help wanted: "win32 ramnit-B" virus. how to remove?

So I found out the reason why my msn is disconnecting constantly, why my firefox browser crashes constantly why the programs I open takes ages and I mean AGES to open and why my "Start" thing on the bottom keeps freezing. I've been infected with a virus called "win32 ramnit-B". Last week or so, I noticed my kaspersky 7.0 antivirus started acting weird because it kept detecting virus constantly in regular and normal ".exe" files such as Java, windows media player or even my printer program. And they all had the same name. At the moment I can't remember what the name was exactly. "No big deal, it must be acting up or something", I thought. But then I realized something was defenetly wrong. It just wouldn't stop. At first I thought there could be something with my antivirus because it started deleting all my infected .exe files and eventually those programs I mentioned stopped working and some system files got deleted as well but lucky I had backups ready. So I rushed and deleted it to install Avast!, adviced by my friends. But for my surprise, the exact same thing happened. It started deleting all my programs too. "WTF?!" I thought. So it wasn't the antivirus. After an exaustive scan, Avast! detected a total of 3225 files infected by "ramnit-B", the majority of which are .exe, .dll, wmv, htm or html so I concluded that it's a virus that spreads into these types of files while the original is hiding somewhere either in the boot, startup or rootkit.

Another thing I noticed is that when I open the task manager, "IExplorer.exe" seems to have started up on its own even though the internet explorer window doesn't show up unless you open it yourself.

This virus is decimating my computer, infecting my files and destroying precious data in both my hard disks. After some research, I noticed that all the help forums about this virus are still pretty recent and there isn't much known about this virus yet. It's said that the best way to get rid of it is to format to hard disk, but I don't want to lose everything once again! so can anybody help? anyone that has experienced this situation before that can help me?? this is a very serious situation!!

My operative system is Windows XP. Help request to everyone out there! I would appreciate it if you posted solutions on the comments or on the chatbox!

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