Saturday, August 21, 2010

Looking back

ok so today is August 21h, 2010. I realized how fast time flies by. it's unbelivable. Seems like yesterday I finished school... that was 2 months ago! seems like yesterday I celebrated my 18th birthday... that was in April!
This just flies without we noticing and when we do notice, it feels like a long time has passed by already.
With this said, I feel emotional...

What changed from last year? The answer is: nothing. People usually say "New Year, New Life", right? well, not to me it doesn't. These last few years pretty much the only thing that changed is the number on my age. But I admit I got a bit more mature since turning 18.

Oh hi, I'm Chris, I'm 18 and I'm single. Ok so far, right? lots of people are single at that age. To be honest, that's really no big deal for me. I'm used to being single, I'm ok the way I am. It's not because I'm gay or anything. In fact, I might find a girl pretty, or cute, or hot, or nice. But uhm, I don't know, I'm just in it for that now. Not really looking for something more serious than that. Also, I had a case of what I call "yellow flu". Obviously, I'm not talking about the flu virus that decimated the world population last century, I'm talking about my preference for Asian girls. That's another reason that might explain why I rarely feel attracted to local Portuguese girls. I feel Asian girls have better personality (not all of them of course) but in general. Also some look so cute it's hard to resist xP jk. or am I?
Some friends start wondering what of girl I would date or what my type is exactly. Usually I give them few clues about that. Hey, they should mind their own business =PP

So days go by and I still never fell attracted to a girl in that way... I don't even know what that's like. Like I said before, I may find them cute but I never fell in love. What is love?

To finish, I just wanna say I have this awesome luck too. The girls I could possibly think about having something serious always fall for some other guy sooner or later. That pisses me off deeply. Ok, That's all.

Thanks for reading and peace! I feel better for letting this out already ;D

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