Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Darkside

For a while now and since I got so much free time at the moment, I was reading a few dirty little secrets on some sites where you can annonymously post your rants/thoughts about our sweet ex's. Husbands, bf's gf's wives... all there.
Take a look:

It's worth mentioninng that most users from that website are American. Seriously, look at some of those posts. They're f*cked in the head! I know, I know. It only shows THEIR side of the story and I'm sure many of them just victimise themselves in order to get the reader's support and it would probably be a lot different if we could hear both sides. But wow! Amazing...

Oh yeah, take a look at the confessions site... some are just unbelivable...

What a world...

Daylight savings time is over again. hmmmm... kinda weird to get used to this new time at first. Besides, it's been proven recently that the day Daylight Savings occur is the LEAST productive day of the year. ha, didn't expect that. Also, I heard recently that we get exposed to more hours of solar radiation and that can lead to some heath problems like cancer.
For those of you who don't know what Daylight Savings is, it goes something like this: Every year on the last weekend of March, at 1:59am of Sunday, everyone officially sets the clock 1 hour ahead of normal time. So at 1:59am it goes straight to 3am. Governments consider that in doing so, the country saves energy by turning on the lights later, for example at 8pm (which would be 7pm in regular time). But they don't count that we sleep 1 hour less!
Ok, so then in the last weekend of October, the Daylight Saving time period is over and we set our clocks back 1 hour again. At 1:59am of Sunday, the clock goes to 1am again and then goes on normally.
It feels weird at first and it takes a bit to get used to this... I strongly disagree with daylight savings time for many reasons.

weeee, no more exams until late November! finally I can be a slacker again :'3

Thursday, October 28, 2010

No Free Lunch?

d'oooooh! Just when I thought I was gonna score a free lunch tomorrow on the occasion on one of my friend's 19th birthday (yup, he's exactly 1 day younger than Lyn!) the dude told me and the others he's not paying anyone lunch because he's going to some event in Lisbon with only one of his friends. I didn't get what kind of event it was exactly, but from what I heard it has something to do with the president? weird... o.o'
Anyways, those 2 lucky sons of.... are going to miss the whole day of class! and they're authorized! haaaa... not fair. And tomorrow we got an economics test... They will only do the exact same test next Tuesday. 2 things: 1) they will have more time to prepare and 2) They will already know most of the questions that will be on the test -.-'

boooooo, I thought we were gonna make a party and stuff... ! oh, what a let down -.-'

I will have no more tests until late November after tomorrow's at least. That means more time to do whatever I feel like, including updating this thingy more often, LOL.

That's all the time I have now, I'll update this again soon.

btw, I already posted on your fb and stuff but I'll say once more before teh day is over :D Happy b-day Lyn! uisehh! xP

hmmm chocolate... *drools* I want one of those :'3

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

fire next door

So like, today I went to tuition class and in the middle, the building next to ours was literally on fire! hahahah I heard the ambulance noise from inside the clasroom in the 3rd floor and after a few seconds I asked my tutor "is there an ambulance outside?" and when looked out the window he saw a firetruck there. "it's a firetruck" he said. Then he looked next window and there was a lot of smoke comming out from there. Then we all get up (I was having class with 2 girls at that time) and saw it too and everyone down there looking at our window and the one on fire. He rushed to tell the hairdresser girl next door and when she looked out the window her reaction was priceless. She totally freaked out! aaahahahah. She was in such a hurry she went running downstairs and didn't even wanna take the elevator xD
So us 3 and our tutor went outside a while for like 15 minutes and watched it from there. It wasn't such a big deal, really. Just someone that left the stove on while she left home and burned half the house down in the process... big deal :P
Then came the fire estinguisher men inside there and more smoke frm the estuguishers come out... No material was damanged from the classroom building... We even joked about the situation xP

siiigh it's getting less and less likeley... =/ good luck, me.

Monday, October 25, 2010

I don't even know what to call this :)

Wow, it's been a while since I last updated this... Mainly because of all the shit I got going on lately. I got about everything. School meetings, exams, spend time with friends and keeping my Youtube account updated often so I don't let my subscribers, friends and followers down ;)

weeeee some viking techno staright from Norway by Stian K! :) I found the title worth a comment too. "Area 51" :D

ok anyways, one thing that upset me recently was the whole drama around Wayne Rooney's contract renewal. Appearently he wanted to be the highest paid player in the world with an annual 15 million euros! And he refused to sign a new contract until his demands were accepted by Manchester United. Basically, he or his manager, whatever, are bullying the club and Alex Ferguson around. Just goes to show how proud Mr. Rooney is of Man U, a great name of football and the club that lift him to fame.
And it's not like he did a decent world cup not to mention his start of the season was terrible, finding the net only once so far this season.
In reponse, Blackpool manager Ian Holloway responded in an interview about the story. He just outburst and gave a very valid opinion of it.
That man rules:


hmmm I'd post a story here but it's so weird and embarassing that I'll just play long, see how it turns out and then maybe post here once it's finished. Lyn knowns what I'm about ;D I think she's the only one anyways., which reminds me, her b-day is comming soon, eh... *takes note on calendar*
Not that I'll forget anyways because it's the day before one of my friend's, haha. Some party it'll be :PPP

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

childish, not stupid

I'm wrecked as fuck recently. Just a while ago, I fell asleep watching the Republic of Ireland game against Slovakia... that's weird, because I never fell asleep watching tv, much less watching football and much less watching football on the pc. That's the problem with getting up early! People like me who need more sleep can never adapt to school times schedule. Im my opinion, classes at 8:30am should be forbidden.
For example....
If you were the boss of a company would you rather have an employee who always gets there on time, gets there at 8:30am with a little sacrifice and does a certain amount of work during a day... OR... having an employee who like... only gets to work at let's say 11am everyday but at the end of the day the work is all done, all in order and even does twice the productivity the first one does?
Makes you think? not me.

When I got home from school, I found out the a TV company cancelled my favourite and tv show from that channel. The show is called "Kenny vs Spenny". I CAN'T BELIVE THEY DID SUCH THING! WHY DID THEY CANCEL IT? WHY WHY WHY? D=
gay tv company.

The show is basically about 2 Canadian guys who are best friends and battle each other in all kinds of competitions from who can smoke more weed to who can spend most time in a haunted house, who make lose the most weight in 3 days, who can have more fun, etc.
And in the end of each episode, the loser has to do a humiliation. Humiliating things such as grabbing apples with the teeth from the toilet and stuff like that. You get the picture xD
omg... it's so funny if you watch it! search it on youtube "Kenny vs Spenny". Results will come up.
.... they cancelled it T_T I really hope it's just one of those temporary things...

An image I liked from the show...

I don't even wanna know what's inside those experiment tubes xD

oh yeah, getting hungry already here.

btw, yesterday, some girl frm Taiwan said she liked me but I think she says that to everyone she talks to. I mean, it's the first time we ever talk on msn after I got it from her facebook and she already said something like "I wanna tell you something before you go" then as I was about to go she was like " Chris, I like you *becomes all red* ". Yup... But then I go see her facebook, and I see her giving out her phone number to black guys on the pictures comments section where everyone can see it. So yeah, she must in fact say that to everyone.
I may be childish, but I'm not stupid! >_>

Thursday, October 7, 2010

messing around

I can't remember I laughed so much and so hard while having a class. Well, that's the difference of being able to sit wherever you want. Being close to your friends helps a lot. Omg my god, insane stuff today hahahaha. The teacher even told us 3 to go out of the classroom for 5 minutes and finish talking outside so we don't disturb the class. So we did! we kept talking with eachother and laughing in the school hall, ahahaha!

Then during class we did everything but pay attention. Make paper planes, make funny sketches of each other, played the ''stop game'' and a guy was seding random people little papers saying "do you wanna date me?" including to other guys xDDDD omfg the way some reacted was priceless. Much better than a comedy film I tell ya! :'D
Some gals did gave him cold-hearted answers, but they were just joking too :'3

Heh, what can I say? Last year, have to make most of it. Finish with style...
Good times. Maybe I will miss high school after all?

Well it's getting late now and I start school early so I gotta go and post again tomorrow. That's all the time for now!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Blehh, why are we fighting for something we can't achieve? I mean, is it really worth it to wish for something that will never come true? Is it really worth using my time and effort for something impossible? Might as well save them, I know. But it's like the movie says: Get rich or die tryin' in. In my case it's not about getting rich, but I rather try it. The results are usually a let down, but I'm prepared. At least I'll have a lighter conscience! I still think that I'll never make it =(

Everything is so complex, everyday is like a test full of obstacles that seem almost impossible. And just when you think you gotten past through them, they're gonna come back and tackle you to the damn ground.

Some people say everything happens for a reason. Come to think of it, the last 2-3 years, there has been like a chain reaction with one occurance leading to another and that one leadeing to several others and so on. There's probably a reason for that. Or maybe who knows? It just happened for no reason at all and it's all coincidence, lolz.
Yeah, sometimes I'm filled with philosophic thoughts.

Do I dare?


Friday, October 1, 2010

Assholes and fake people

The 2 types of people I hate the most. In a way, it's a system that sustains itself. Assholes annoy other people and do stupid fuckin' immature stuff to get attention and on the other hand, fake people will "kiss their asses" you know, pretend to be the assholes' friends in order to get benefits from those manipulative motherfu----- and to make sure they don't annoy them. The assholes will therefore live in a fake happyness that is bound to go down the drain in the future and when they need their friends, they turn their back on these assholes.

I control myself not to do stupid stuff that may end up in a lot of trouble... Thank you for your support :) haha... you must be one of the only ones ;D