Thursday, October 7, 2010

messing around

I can't remember I laughed so much and so hard while having a class. Well, that's the difference of being able to sit wherever you want. Being close to your friends helps a lot. Omg my god, insane stuff today hahahaha. The teacher even told us 3 to go out of the classroom for 5 minutes and finish talking outside so we don't disturb the class. So we did! we kept talking with eachother and laughing in the school hall, ahahaha!

Then during class we did everything but pay attention. Make paper planes, make funny sketches of each other, played the ''stop game'' and a guy was seding random people little papers saying "do you wanna date me?" including to other guys xDDDD omfg the way some reacted was priceless. Much better than a comedy film I tell ya! :'D
Some gals did gave him cold-hearted answers, but they were just joking too :'3

Heh, what can I say? Last year, have to make most of it. Finish with style...
Good times. Maybe I will miss high school after all?

Well it's getting late now and I start school early so I gotta go and post again tomorrow. That's all the time for now!

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