Tuesday, October 12, 2010

childish, not stupid

I'm wrecked as fuck recently. Just a while ago, I fell asleep watching the Republic of Ireland game against Slovakia... that's weird, because I never fell asleep watching tv, much less watching football and much less watching football on the pc. That's the problem with getting up early! People like me who need more sleep can never adapt to school times schedule. Im my opinion, classes at 8:30am should be forbidden.
For example....
If you were the boss of a company would you rather have an employee who always gets there on time, gets there at 8:30am with a little sacrifice and does a certain amount of work during a day... OR... having an employee who like... only gets to work at let's say 11am everyday but at the end of the day the work is all done, all in order and even does twice the productivity the first one does?
Makes you think? not me.

When I got home from school, I found out the a TV company cancelled my favourite and tv show from that channel. The show is called "Kenny vs Spenny". I CAN'T BELIVE THEY DID SUCH THING! WHY DID THEY CANCEL IT? WHY WHY WHY? D=
gay tv company.

The show is basically about 2 Canadian guys who are best friends and battle each other in all kinds of competitions from who can smoke more weed to who can spend most time in a haunted house, who make lose the most weight in 3 days, who can have more fun, etc.
And in the end of each episode, the loser has to do a humiliation. Humiliating things such as grabbing apples with the teeth from the toilet and stuff like that. You get the picture xD
omg... it's so funny if you watch it! search it on youtube "Kenny vs Spenny". Results will come up.
.... they cancelled it T_T I really hope it's just one of those temporary things...

An image I liked from the show...

I don't even wanna know what's inside those experiment tubes xD

oh yeah, getting hungry already here.

btw, yesterday, some girl frm Taiwan said she liked me but I think she says that to everyone she talks to. I mean, it's the first time we ever talk on msn after I got it from her facebook and she already said something like "I wanna tell you something before you go" then as I was about to go she was like " Chris, I like you *becomes all red* ". Yup... But then I go see her facebook, and I see her giving out her phone number to black guys on the pictures comments section where everyone can see it. So yeah, she must in fact say that to everyone.
I may be childish, but I'm not stupid! >_>

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