Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Finally, the test season is over. Now it the part I should wait my results with great anciety, but not really. I know my teachers are real fuckheads when it comes to correcting tests. I would elaborate a bit more but I got have time or will to do that.
The tests went pretty ok with the only exception being yup, you guessed it, maths.

It's fucking coooooold ;o Europe is going through a coldwave with winds straight from the Artic (north pole) making an unusual cold wave. Usual because temperatures have reached record lows for the month of November in many cities with several others still to reach soon enough. For example, tomorrow the city of Warsaw in Poland will reach a -27 degrees low and a -13 high, Berlin (Germany) will reach a high of -10 and a low of -14, Switzerland's alps lands may reach -38 and just today Sweden, Norway and Finland reached nearly -20 degrees.

I live pretty near the sea so temperatures don't drop nearly as much as the places mentioned before. But still, they reach -4 degrees during the night. oh yeaaaaaah but it's funny seeing everything white in the morning covered in ice and slippery hahahah. and cars windows all frozen and stuff :'3

Pics from various European cities taken between November 29-30

Despite my post, I like cold temperatures. I think it's nice for a change.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

some pics of November 13th...

I'll just post here some of the pictures of the night I posted earlier about.
A lot of pictures were taken of many people and they were posted on the students association list's facebook page but I'll just post here the ones I'm in and a few more.

So here's the 2 guys that I went in the car with that took me there.

I was with them first when the place was still pretty empty but then we started to find other friends and stuff and we got all mixed up around :D that girl is from my class.

A nice pic with me in it and all the guys in that pic are good friends of mine :)

those guys rock! :)

Everyone was feelin' the beat. Some even went up the tables to dance, hahahah :D

A closer look inside:

You can really feel the heat in there. Now imagine everyone jumping. It was freakin' hot in there. I know those guys by sight only.

Oh look:



This oen caught me on my back ;o

...With all my best buddies :D

me with a priceless idiot face x)

LOL! I know this guy :'3


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Local DJ's suck

Yesterday I went to a party organized by the students association at a disco, you know, those parties they do to get votes and win this popurarity contest. Because deep down that's what it is. Just another popularity contest. Anyways, it was fun! I know what most people would think when I say this: drinking, smoking and sex. not at all! It was all about hanging out with people we know, socialize with them! There was no sex or drugs... alcohol, maybe a little ;)
You don't have many occasions when a disco is full of people from your school. yYour classmates and people from school you know by sight. like, seen around before.

It was around 11pm when 2 of my friends came to my home pick me up by car and take me there. When we got there, the place was still pretty empty and there wasn't even even music yet. So we waited and like half an hour later some local band played. They were pretty good! They sang cover of songs by other bands such as blink-182... which was my favourite. The band was called "Gate 16" was what's even funnier is that teh lead singer was in my 10th grade class. I was like "WTF??! no way ;o"
The croud enjoyed it overall and me and my friends did crazy shit, jump all around, came like... 2 steps close to the bads while playing, scream out the songs lyrics, etc :D

After they finished, a local DJ started playing. Personally, I thought his music was garbage but yeah, I danced along like everybody else. Well, pretended to dance at least.
Jumping all around, singing the songs' lyrics.... basically, act all crazy again. I actually started to sweat even though it was pretty cold!
I went home at around 2:30am... it was raining and I caught a cold... shitski

For a DJ, even I could do a better selection of music. Hell, that motivates me even more to become a DJ to show these newbs how it's done! :P
When I have time I'll figure out how to work with FL studios and virtual DJ. IT takes years to reach perfection with FL studios. Virtual DJ takes about a week.

I really love the scandinavian (Swedish, Danish...) DJ style :) That's the one I'm seeking... but in my own way ^^

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

books? what's a book?

Normally, I would say I never touch books (unless it's school books, but I'm talking about regular books here... stories). I hate reading long books, long books full of text, no pictures and complex vocabulary.
So far, there's no exception. I never read a full text-only book in my whole life until now :) Even when I have to read a book for school, usually in order to do a quiz about the book or an oral presentation with the story of a certain book as the topic, I just go to the internet and downloada much more brief version with all the essencials. Basically, I turn a 600 page sonster into a 4 page summary. Ha, I'm not the only one doing this. In fact, it's hard to find a person who actually does read them. That's what they get for forcing us!
If I wanted to read a fucking book then I'd buy or rent a fucking book. Why do they need to force us? Not enough interest? well, think of a way! Marketing dudes? o.o'

This year, I got a 7 page book (surprisingly!!) and I read it quite well in about 30 minutes or so. I actually enjoyed the story. In fact, I might post here a brief summary and review of it here if I have time and if I have nothing better to do xP
I will do an oral presentation of it on the 29th. I was like "WTF!! o.e" when I saw it's only 7 pages long ;o The story was quite good, and I could relate to the characters in a way I would have never expected...

that's all the time I got for now. I'll update this soon.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I walk alone, I walk alone.

it's 11:30pm right now and I just got home and yeah, tomorrow is a school day.
"Where the heck have you been then?" you ask.well, at around 9pm I went downtown with a friend to watch the football game derby in a cafe with a friend. It was already dark so my dad took me downtown and we found a cafe that wasn't full yet to watch the game there. Keeping in mind that our derbies are about the size of games like... Man U vs Arsenal or Liverpool vs Chelsea would have in England, and they're only on paid-tv so many people go to cafes to watch it.

It was fun :) even though my fav team lost 5-0... hahahah but it was nice to see the drunk old men talking and cursing at the coach, the referee's decisions, players, etc xD

After the game my dad didn't pick me up... I had to go alone through the city at night which is pretty dangerous and to make it worse, today is the day that exactly 1year ago my friends got beat up by 2 russian guys on the streeet at night... November 7th 2009... I Won't forget that day...
so I crossed the city alone on foot and in some parts you could barely see anything because of the weak illumination.
It was very cold. I was wearing a t-shirt and a very thin jacket with a broken zipper so I couldn't even close it... I saw the temperature and the sign said "5 degrees"... wow... I was shaking cold all the way home. Great.
So then I finally came back home and instead of going to bed I'm writing this year knowing it's a school day tomorrow :)

I finish by posting a pic I took at my friend's house...

...and another one I took at my home just for the laugh:

haha, my hair is a little too long for a gangsta, eh? xD

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

stuh- dy

In a way, the human being is really low. Especially when it comes to the mental side. Bah.
Times of sadness and depression during people around my age group comes and goes all the time. Wild mood swings. Like a pendulum or a showers day. sunshine, then rain then more sunshine then more rain... and so on. Human beings are weak -.-'

Anyways, I'm coming back from my blow to the confidence. Today I talked to one of my good friends. He's not anywhere close to be a smart guy but the dude had a 18/20 on this maths test!! We were in the same class for 2 years and now although we're in different classes this maths test envolved the same thing.
His average grades at maths and every other subjects were like... 11/20-12/20... When he told me he had 18 I was like "you're kidding, right?". But he was serious ;o
He told me that last year when he failed the final maths exam and as a result he had to stay this year and try again, he didn't do shit and was lazy all year. He only used to study like... 3 days before tests (like me!) but this year it's different. He said that this year he studies 3-4 hours a day everyday! "Wow!" I thought.
In conclusion, even if someone is not good at maths, with hardwork and as long as you try hard enough, you'll achieve your goals. This lesson is for you too :)

With you said, you might say I wanna be less like the "last year him" and more like the "this year him". I feel more motivated now and I think I will make it. Fuck it, if he can do it, I can do it too! I'm not inferior to him in anything!

Now is the part coffee does its job! xDDD but I hope I don't have a C6!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Failed another.

Another fail... piece of motherfuckin' shit... I'm gonna reach 1000 days...
I'm tired of all of this bullshit. People tell me to be positive. How am I suposed to be positive when I don't see shit positive? Just shit that tackles me to the damn ground...
Gonna take a while to get my motivation back. As soon as I saw that grade, my reaction was... all that frustration for nothing... All that hardwork... I have myself and only myself to blame... When I saw that grade, I just thought about not wanting to give a damn about everything anymore. I was feeling like even my best isn't good enough. I was feeling like shit and I just wanted to quit. *siiigh* Gonna have to think, need time to recover from this blow to my self-confidence.

I'm tired of everything.