Sunday, November 14, 2010

Local DJ's suck

Yesterday I went to a party organized by the students association at a disco, you know, those parties they do to get votes and win this popurarity contest. Because deep down that's what it is. Just another popularity contest. Anyways, it was fun! I know what most people would think when I say this: drinking, smoking and sex. not at all! It was all about hanging out with people we know, socialize with them! There was no sex or drugs... alcohol, maybe a little ;)
You don't have many occasions when a disco is full of people from your school. yYour classmates and people from school you know by sight. like, seen around before.

It was around 11pm when 2 of my friends came to my home pick me up by car and take me there. When we got there, the place was still pretty empty and there wasn't even even music yet. So we waited and like half an hour later some local band played. They were pretty good! They sang cover of songs by other bands such as blink-182... which was my favourite. The band was called "Gate 16" was what's even funnier is that teh lead singer was in my 10th grade class. I was like "WTF??! no way ;o"
The croud enjoyed it overall and me and my friends did crazy shit, jump all around, came like... 2 steps close to the bads while playing, scream out the songs lyrics, etc :D

After they finished, a local DJ started playing. Personally, I thought his music was garbage but yeah, I danced along like everybody else. Well, pretended to dance at least.
Jumping all around, singing the songs' lyrics.... basically, act all crazy again. I actually started to sweat even though it was pretty cold!
I went home at around 2:30am... it was raining and I caught a cold... shitski

For a DJ, even I could do a better selection of music. Hell, that motivates me even more to become a DJ to show these newbs how it's done! :P
When I have time I'll figure out how to work with FL studios and virtual DJ. IT takes years to reach perfection with FL studios. Virtual DJ takes about a week.

I really love the scandinavian (Swedish, Danish...) DJ style :) That's the one I'm seeking... but in my own way ^^

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