Sunday, November 7, 2010

I walk alone, I walk alone.

it's 11:30pm right now and I just got home and yeah, tomorrow is a school day.
"Where the heck have you been then?" you ask.well, at around 9pm I went downtown with a friend to watch the football game derby in a cafe with a friend. It was already dark so my dad took me downtown and we found a cafe that wasn't full yet to watch the game there. Keeping in mind that our derbies are about the size of games like... Man U vs Arsenal or Liverpool vs Chelsea would have in England, and they're only on paid-tv so many people go to cafes to watch it.

It was fun :) even though my fav team lost 5-0... hahahah but it was nice to see the drunk old men talking and cursing at the coach, the referee's decisions, players, etc xD

After the game my dad didn't pick me up... I had to go alone through the city at night which is pretty dangerous and to make it worse, today is the day that exactly 1year ago my friends got beat up by 2 russian guys on the streeet at night... November 7th 2009... I Won't forget that day...
so I crossed the city alone on foot and in some parts you could barely see anything because of the weak illumination.
It was very cold. I was wearing a t-shirt and a very thin jacket with a broken zipper so I couldn't even close it... I saw the temperature and the sign said "5 degrees"... wow... I was shaking cold all the way home. Great.
So then I finally came back home and instead of going to bed I'm writing this year knowing it's a school day tomorrow :)

I finish by posting a pic I took at my friend's house...

...and another one I took at my home just for the laugh:

haha, my hair is a little too long for a gangsta, eh? xD

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