Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Failed another.

Another fail... piece of motherfuckin' shit... I'm gonna reach 1000 days...
I'm tired of all of this bullshit. People tell me to be positive. How am I suposed to be positive when I don't see shit positive? Just shit that tackles me to the damn ground...
Gonna take a while to get my motivation back. As soon as I saw that grade, my reaction was... all that frustration for nothing... All that hardwork... I have myself and only myself to blame... When I saw that grade, I just thought about not wanting to give a damn about everything anymore. I was feeling like even my best isn't good enough. I was feeling like shit and I just wanted to quit. *siiigh* Gonna have to think, need time to recover from this blow to my self-confidence.

I'm tired of everything.

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