Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The future of video games

There's no question that recently and increasingly, video games are becoming more complex every year as technology makes progress.
However, that's not necessarily a good thing. If fact, it's turning out to be a bad thing. Arguments:

Gamers who play the latest versions of each game that comes out are obviously nerds. They spend hours and even days without doing anything else. They get pissed if someone interrupts their activity.

Here's my vision of today's gamer: A young boy around 14-16 years old, fat, with glasses, somewhat anti-social, no girlfriend and the only friends he's got are his empty pizza boxes.

Some people might say: You're obviously basing your point of view on stereotypes. Of course not all gamers are like I mentioned, just the vast majority of them. You would think some of those problems might be solved in the future with all the interactive movement games coming out recently like the Nintendo Wii and such. To those people, I only got one argument based on facts. Here are some of the most played games that were recently released and are a success in terms of sales:

Counter Strike Source (2004) The second most played online game today.

Team Fortress 2 (2007)

Resident Evil 5 (2009)

Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

Left 4 dead 2 (2009)

Call Of Duty: Black Ops (2010)

See, I noticed some similarities between them. In all of these games, you're a guy just pointing a stick at stuff and shooting the shit out of everything and everyone. This is what you call exercise? Awesome!

Also, another point: These kind of games although they're all the same and very repetitive, they require a lot of time to get used to them and eventually get good at them.

Back in my days, we didn't need any fancy graphics and complex stories. Yes, we had simple music, the graphics were somewhat primitive but we still had a great time playing our games... mmmmmmmm, Tetris, Street Fighter 2, Earthbound... Those are the games I grew up with and played in my early childhood...
But now with all these new games coming out with stunning graphics that require the last generation computer to be able to play them, the gameplay has slowly been replaced by the graphics.... Shame.

Monday, June 27, 2011

I need money...

I checked my bank account this afternoon. When I saw my money, it wasn't what I expected...

I have 324euros... I thought I had 500... What now? I need a bit more to go to China... should I ask my parents? should I make a bit more somehow?

What a dilemma....

I'm so busy, I can't get a job. I really have to sell my ps2.

My grandfather once told me he gave me 500euros back in 2002... I never checked that bank account ever since... until today. That's pretty shitty.

I'll find my way.

----------UPDATE 12:19AM--------------

YES! I just talked to my parents about going to "Amsterdam" ;) I told them I have a friend from my school whose grandparents live there and is willing to let me stay. My dad said yes instantly! :) My mom, like always, was scared but after a bit of talk, I think she is willing to let me go now as well.
My dad said he was only scared of the costs... Great! He didn't even ask me who pays it, hahah.... That means I can probably get some financial help from them :P
YESSSSSSS I only need the ticket now. I will book it as soon as possible!! 90 euros 90 euroooooooooos!

It's not unfair, because I already told them this winter that I wanted to go to a foreign country for summer holidays. So basically, they will be paying the same thing as if I went to Amsterdam because it's me who pays for the ticket!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Well done, dude...

So today I had my Portuguese language final exam... my first of two I make this year that will determine whether I enter univerisity this year or not. To be honest, I was never much of a good student at this subject... Yeah, all my school life I always passed all my Portuguese tests but I never had a brilliant result... Maybe one or two ;)

My grades at English were always much higher than Portuguese and this happened every school year with no exception. For example, in my 5th grade I ended with 60% at Portuguese and 95% at English. My 8th grade, I ended with 65% at Portuguese and 93% at English. Last year I ended with 57% at Portuguese and 91% at English... and so on.

Seriously, English is the language I find easier to express myself in... it's like I'm not shy to say whatever I think... Things that in my language I probably would not dare to say.
compared to most languages I learned, it was by far the easiest.

Anyway, the official correction of my Portuguese exam was released on the Portuguese Ministry Of Education's official site a few moments ago and well, I compared to the answers I gave... I defenitely passed but as usual, I think I won't have a brilliant result again, hahah... After maths, this is my second worst subject. I just... I was never really into it. It bores me :) Portuguese literature... I'm not very patriotic.

Now I will keep studying hard and focused because the worst is still to come... ha. Or maybe I'll pass it without much effort too?

Either way, well done, dude.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Tight schedule lately. I got a whole pile of things to do but I have no time to do anything at all! Where am i gonna find me some time?

The study for my exams takes me a lot of time I could be using for many others things so this better be worth it in the end! hahah let's hope so...

I never have time to even go out and take care of simple things such as my passport or figure out why everytime I put my bank card inside the machine, it keeps spitting it back out and saying "error reading"...
I just wish the day was longer.

Maybe I will take a day off from study when I feel like I did enough and I can take a short break to deal with all those things ;)

Or maybe tomorrow just before I go to tuition I can have a while to do that stuff.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

One month! :)

Dear YOU. Yes, you.

Wow, it's been a month already. A month has passed since that magic moment when we officially became a couple. May 12th 2011... I will never forget that day.

Thanks for everything babe. It's been very worth it so far. It was a wonderful month I spend with you as my girlfriend, you as the reason I smile everyday and your name always in my mind. Jie...
Don't forget that this is only the beginning of our relationship ;) Hopefully we have many more months, years, occasions to celebrate our love for each other...

The first month is always the most difficult. I said this because in this period sometimes people start to realize "Hey, maybe he/she is not right for me at all!" "maybe this is not who I want" "He/she is different from what I thought"...

Yeah, like you said, even if we both are confused sometimes, we still work hard and try to figure out a way to keep it longer. Don't forget all relationships have their ups and dows and challenges, Jie. Nothing to be scared of, because mostst of these troubles are just temporary. They come and go fast. Together we can easily get through this...

And remember, I'm always here to support you and to protect you... Heck I would die for you.

Sometimes I wonder why a girl like you would like a guy like me... :P

Well, right now it's time to celebrate this occasion! :D I love you my special girl. Being with you is the best thing in my life.

You and me. Forever :)

With a little luck I might sit next to you in September...

Monday, June 6, 2011

With you

Sum 41 - With You (2006)

I don't want this moment to ever end
Where everything's nothing without you
I'll wait here forever just to, to see you smile
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you

Through it all, I made my mistakes
I stumble and fall, but I mean these words

I want you to know
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'd bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go

Thoughts read unspoken, forever in doubt
Pieces of memories fall to the ground
I know what I didn't have so, I won't let this go
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you

All the streets where I walked alone, with nowhere to go
I've come to an end

I want you to know
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'd bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go

In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies
When you don't know what you're looking to find
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies
When you just never know what you will find (what you will find)

I don't want this moment to ever end
Where everything's nothing without you

I want you to know
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'd bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go (I want you to know)
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'd bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Last Week

Well, this is it. This week I will have what may very well be my last week as a high school student (god, I sure hope so). In a way, I'm happy because I'm sick of this high school life already. I'm here for 4 years and it's getting pretty repetitive and I want something new. But on the other, I will miss my friends... Everyone will go their own way after this! Some will join the army, some will take different universities, choose different subjects for major, some will drop studies... and so on. Well, I guess friends come and go... Sometimes too fast to even say "bye". I will make new ones...

I've been quite busy recently with so many things going on so I didn't have much time to update my blog. And I must admit a bit of lazyness from my part too :)

Here's my to do list for June:

Sell my PS2 (I barely use it anyway).
Study maths. because I love studying maths <3 oh, and the exam :)
Make my passport (I've been meaning to do that!).
Get a bank card. Yeah, seriously. I never bothered to make one yet :'D

Okay, no time to make this post longer, it's pretty late already and I got school in the morning tomorrow. I will update this again soon. Peace out!