Sunday, June 12, 2011

One month! :)

Dear YOU. Yes, you.

Wow, it's been a month already. A month has passed since that magic moment when we officially became a couple. May 12th 2011... I will never forget that day.

Thanks for everything babe. It's been very worth it so far. It was a wonderful month I spend with you as my girlfriend, you as the reason I smile everyday and your name always in my mind. Jie...
Don't forget that this is only the beginning of our relationship ;) Hopefully we have many more months, years, occasions to celebrate our love for each other...

The first month is always the most difficult. I said this because in this period sometimes people start to realize "Hey, maybe he/she is not right for me at all!" "maybe this is not who I want" "He/she is different from what I thought"...

Yeah, like you said, even if we both are confused sometimes, we still work hard and try to figure out a way to keep it longer. Don't forget all relationships have their ups and dows and challenges, Jie. Nothing to be scared of, because mostst of these troubles are just temporary. They come and go fast. Together we can easily get through this...

And remember, I'm always here to support you and to protect you... Heck I would die for you.

Sometimes I wonder why a girl like you would like a guy like me... :P

Well, right now it's time to celebrate this occasion! :D I love you my special girl. Being with you is the best thing in my life.

You and me. Forever :)

With a little luck I might sit next to you in September...

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