Sunday, June 5, 2011

Last Week

Well, this is it. This week I will have what may very well be my last week as a high school student (god, I sure hope so). In a way, I'm happy because I'm sick of this high school life already. I'm here for 4 years and it's getting pretty repetitive and I want something new. But on the other, I will miss my friends... Everyone will go their own way after this! Some will join the army, some will take different universities, choose different subjects for major, some will drop studies... and so on. Well, I guess friends come and go... Sometimes too fast to even say "bye". I will make new ones...

I've been quite busy recently with so many things going on so I didn't have much time to update my blog. And I must admit a bit of lazyness from my part too :)

Here's my to do list for June:

Sell my PS2 (I barely use it anyway).
Study maths. because I love studying maths <3 oh, and the exam :)
Make my passport (I've been meaning to do that!).
Get a bank card. Yeah, seriously. I never bothered to make one yet :'D

Okay, no time to make this post longer, it's pretty late already and I got school in the morning tomorrow. I will update this again soon. Peace out!

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