Monday, June 27, 2011

I need money...

I checked my bank account this afternoon. When I saw my money, it wasn't what I expected...

I have 324euros... I thought I had 500... What now? I need a bit more to go to China... should I ask my parents? should I make a bit more somehow?

What a dilemma....

I'm so busy, I can't get a job. I really have to sell my ps2.

My grandfather once told me he gave me 500euros back in 2002... I never checked that bank account ever since... until today. That's pretty shitty.

I'll find my way.

----------UPDATE 12:19AM--------------

YES! I just talked to my parents about going to "Amsterdam" ;) I told them I have a friend from my school whose grandparents live there and is willing to let me stay. My dad said yes instantly! :) My mom, like always, was scared but after a bit of talk, I think she is willing to let me go now as well.
My dad said he was only scared of the costs... Great! He didn't even ask me who pays it, hahah.... That means I can probably get some financial help from them :P
YESSSSSSS I only need the ticket now. I will book it as soon as possible!! 90 euros 90 euroooooooooos!

It's not unfair, because I already told them this winter that I wanted to go to a foreign country for summer holidays. So basically, they will be paying the same thing as if I went to Amsterdam because it's me who pays for the ticket!

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