Monday, June 20, 2011

Well done, dude...

So today I had my Portuguese language final exam... my first of two I make this year that will determine whether I enter univerisity this year or not. To be honest, I was never much of a good student at this subject... Yeah, all my school life I always passed all my Portuguese tests but I never had a brilliant result... Maybe one or two ;)

My grades at English were always much higher than Portuguese and this happened every school year with no exception. For example, in my 5th grade I ended with 60% at Portuguese and 95% at English. My 8th grade, I ended with 65% at Portuguese and 93% at English. Last year I ended with 57% at Portuguese and 91% at English... and so on.

Seriously, English is the language I find easier to express myself in... it's like I'm not shy to say whatever I think... Things that in my language I probably would not dare to say.
compared to most languages I learned, it was by far the easiest.

Anyway, the official correction of my Portuguese exam was released on the Portuguese Ministry Of Education's official site a few moments ago and well, I compared to the answers I gave... I defenitely passed but as usual, I think I won't have a brilliant result again, hahah... After maths, this is my second worst subject. I just... I was never really into it. It bores me :) Portuguese literature... I'm not very patriotic.

Now I will keep studying hard and focused because the worst is still to come... ha. Or maybe I'll pass it without much effort too?

Either way, well done, dude.

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