Sunday, December 12, 2010

wikileaks for the truth!

This will be the last week before the Christmas break! it's only 2 weeks of holidays but I certainly need them! I mean, holidays are always welcome! hahah...

Been a while since I last updated this...

One thing that's upseting me lately: The whole controvesy about wikileaks!
For those of you who don't know what this is about, here's a short explanation: Wikileaks is a website with the same style of wikipedia created in 2006 by the Australian hacker Julian Assange where users can send their leaked documents such as government confidencial files, untold stories and other things that happen but the governments don't want us to know. This is due to some of those stories are so embarassing it would make them look bad... but we want to know the truth!! Stories such as the president of Brazil being involved in plans for bank robberies, a video of a shooting of civilians and journalists by American soldiers in Iraq and funny things like what Americans really think of other countries: For example they compared Vladimir Putin and Dimitry Medvedev (Russian president and Prime Minister) to Batman and Robin respectively.
The leaked files are sent to a team that will analyze them and post them in they feel they're plausible enough

Recently, the website was classified as a terrorist site by the US government and Julian Assange was considered to be the 2nd worst enemy of the United States (after Bin Laden!)
They have no right to designate Wikileaks a terrorist website just because they reveal the truth... It's not their fault the truth is so "awful".
I think the governments are the real terrorists.

Julian Assange was put to jail this week and is awaiting judgement for a "rape" story he did while in Sweden.
Basically, Assange's rape story is a load of bullshit and it's just an excuse to put him behind bars. They saw this as the perfect opportunity to put him down. Unbelivable.

I already closed my Paypal account, because you see wikileaks is a non-profit organization and it depends on donations to stay alive. Recently, wikileak's paypal account was shutdown after earlier this year being frozen for 3 months with 10,000$ worth of donations there.
I disliked that attitude and so did many supporters of wikileaks and now they're the target of many hacking attacks. Serves them right.

We want the truth!

Here's the link:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Finally, the test season is over. Now it the part I should wait my results with great anciety, but not really. I know my teachers are real fuckheads when it comes to correcting tests. I would elaborate a bit more but I got have time or will to do that.
The tests went pretty ok with the only exception being yup, you guessed it, maths.

It's fucking coooooold ;o Europe is going through a coldwave with winds straight from the Artic (north pole) making an unusual cold wave. Usual because temperatures have reached record lows for the month of November in many cities with several others still to reach soon enough. For example, tomorrow the city of Warsaw in Poland will reach a -27 degrees low and a -13 high, Berlin (Germany) will reach a high of -10 and a low of -14, Switzerland's alps lands may reach -38 and just today Sweden, Norway and Finland reached nearly -20 degrees.

I live pretty near the sea so temperatures don't drop nearly as much as the places mentioned before. But still, they reach -4 degrees during the night. oh yeaaaaaah but it's funny seeing everything white in the morning covered in ice and slippery hahahah. and cars windows all frozen and stuff :'3

Pics from various European cities taken between November 29-30

Despite my post, I like cold temperatures. I think it's nice for a change.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

some pics of November 13th...

I'll just post here some of the pictures of the night I posted earlier about.
A lot of pictures were taken of many people and they were posted on the students association list's facebook page but I'll just post here the ones I'm in and a few more.

So here's the 2 guys that I went in the car with that took me there.

I was with them first when the place was still pretty empty but then we started to find other friends and stuff and we got all mixed up around :D that girl is from my class.

A nice pic with me in it and all the guys in that pic are good friends of mine :)

those guys rock! :)

Everyone was feelin' the beat. Some even went up the tables to dance, hahahah :D

A closer look inside:

You can really feel the heat in there. Now imagine everyone jumping. It was freakin' hot in there. I know those guys by sight only.

Oh look:



This oen caught me on my back ;o

...With all my best buddies :D

me with a priceless idiot face x)

LOL! I know this guy :'3


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Local DJ's suck

Yesterday I went to a party organized by the students association at a disco, you know, those parties they do to get votes and win this popurarity contest. Because deep down that's what it is. Just another popularity contest. Anyways, it was fun! I know what most people would think when I say this: drinking, smoking and sex. not at all! It was all about hanging out with people we know, socialize with them! There was no sex or drugs... alcohol, maybe a little ;)
You don't have many occasions when a disco is full of people from your school. yYour classmates and people from school you know by sight. like, seen around before.

It was around 11pm when 2 of my friends came to my home pick me up by car and take me there. When we got there, the place was still pretty empty and there wasn't even even music yet. So we waited and like half an hour later some local band played. They were pretty good! They sang cover of songs by other bands such as blink-182... which was my favourite. The band was called "Gate 16" was what's even funnier is that teh lead singer was in my 10th grade class. I was like "WTF??! no way ;o"
The croud enjoyed it overall and me and my friends did crazy shit, jump all around, came like... 2 steps close to the bads while playing, scream out the songs lyrics, etc :D

After they finished, a local DJ started playing. Personally, I thought his music was garbage but yeah, I danced along like everybody else. Well, pretended to dance at least.
Jumping all around, singing the songs' lyrics.... basically, act all crazy again. I actually started to sweat even though it was pretty cold!
I went home at around 2:30am... it was raining and I caught a cold... shitski

For a DJ, even I could do a better selection of music. Hell, that motivates me even more to become a DJ to show these newbs how it's done! :P
When I have time I'll figure out how to work with FL studios and virtual DJ. IT takes years to reach perfection with FL studios. Virtual DJ takes about a week.

I really love the scandinavian (Swedish, Danish...) DJ style :) That's the one I'm seeking... but in my own way ^^

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

books? what's a book?

Normally, I would say I never touch books (unless it's school books, but I'm talking about regular books here... stories). I hate reading long books, long books full of text, no pictures and complex vocabulary.
So far, there's no exception. I never read a full text-only book in my whole life until now :) Even when I have to read a book for school, usually in order to do a quiz about the book or an oral presentation with the story of a certain book as the topic, I just go to the internet and downloada much more brief version with all the essencials. Basically, I turn a 600 page sonster into a 4 page summary. Ha, I'm not the only one doing this. In fact, it's hard to find a person who actually does read them. That's what they get for forcing us!
If I wanted to read a fucking book then I'd buy or rent a fucking book. Why do they need to force us? Not enough interest? well, think of a way! Marketing dudes? o.o'

This year, I got a 7 page book (surprisingly!!) and I read it quite well in about 30 minutes or so. I actually enjoyed the story. In fact, I might post here a brief summary and review of it here if I have time and if I have nothing better to do xP
I will do an oral presentation of it on the 29th. I was like "WTF!! o.e" when I saw it's only 7 pages long ;o The story was quite good, and I could relate to the characters in a way I would have never expected...

that's all the time I got for now. I'll update this soon.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I walk alone, I walk alone.

it's 11:30pm right now and I just got home and yeah, tomorrow is a school day.
"Where the heck have you been then?" you ask.well, at around 9pm I went downtown with a friend to watch the football game derby in a cafe with a friend. It was already dark so my dad took me downtown and we found a cafe that wasn't full yet to watch the game there. Keeping in mind that our derbies are about the size of games like... Man U vs Arsenal or Liverpool vs Chelsea would have in England, and they're only on paid-tv so many people go to cafes to watch it.

It was fun :) even though my fav team lost 5-0... hahahah but it was nice to see the drunk old men talking and cursing at the coach, the referee's decisions, players, etc xD

After the game my dad didn't pick me up... I had to go alone through the city at night which is pretty dangerous and to make it worse, today is the day that exactly 1year ago my friends got beat up by 2 russian guys on the streeet at night... November 7th 2009... I Won't forget that day...
so I crossed the city alone on foot and in some parts you could barely see anything because of the weak illumination.
It was very cold. I was wearing a t-shirt and a very thin jacket with a broken zipper so I couldn't even close it... I saw the temperature and the sign said "5 degrees"... wow... I was shaking cold all the way home. Great.
So then I finally came back home and instead of going to bed I'm writing this year knowing it's a school day tomorrow :)

I finish by posting a pic I took at my friend's house...

...and another one I took at my home just for the laugh:

haha, my hair is a little too long for a gangsta, eh? xD

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

stuh- dy

In a way, the human being is really low. Especially when it comes to the mental side. Bah.
Times of sadness and depression during people around my age group comes and goes all the time. Wild mood swings. Like a pendulum or a showers day. sunshine, then rain then more sunshine then more rain... and so on. Human beings are weak -.-'

Anyways, I'm coming back from my blow to the confidence. Today I talked to one of my good friends. He's not anywhere close to be a smart guy but the dude had a 18/20 on this maths test!! We were in the same class for 2 years and now although we're in different classes this maths test envolved the same thing.
His average grades at maths and every other subjects were like... 11/20-12/20... When he told me he had 18 I was like "you're kidding, right?". But he was serious ;o
He told me that last year when he failed the final maths exam and as a result he had to stay this year and try again, he didn't do shit and was lazy all year. He only used to study like... 3 days before tests (like me!) but this year it's different. He said that this year he studies 3-4 hours a day everyday! "Wow!" I thought.
In conclusion, even if someone is not good at maths, with hardwork and as long as you try hard enough, you'll achieve your goals. This lesson is for you too :)

With you said, you might say I wanna be less like the "last year him" and more like the "this year him". I feel more motivated now and I think I will make it. Fuck it, if he can do it, I can do it too! I'm not inferior to him in anything!

Now is the part coffee does its job! xDDD but I hope I don't have a C6!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Failed another.

Another fail... piece of motherfuckin' shit... I'm gonna reach 1000 days...
I'm tired of all of this bullshit. People tell me to be positive. How am I suposed to be positive when I don't see shit positive? Just shit that tackles me to the damn ground...
Gonna take a while to get my motivation back. As soon as I saw that grade, my reaction was... all that frustration for nothing... All that hardwork... I have myself and only myself to blame... When I saw that grade, I just thought about not wanting to give a damn about everything anymore. I was feeling like even my best isn't good enough. I was feeling like shit and I just wanted to quit. *siiigh* Gonna have to think, need time to recover from this blow to my self-confidence.

I'm tired of everything.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Darkside

For a while now and since I got so much free time at the moment, I was reading a few dirty little secrets on some sites where you can annonymously post your rants/thoughts about our sweet ex's. Husbands, bf's gf's wives... all there.
Take a look:

It's worth mentioninng that most users from that website are American. Seriously, look at some of those posts. They're f*cked in the head! I know, I know. It only shows THEIR side of the story and I'm sure many of them just victimise themselves in order to get the reader's support and it would probably be a lot different if we could hear both sides. But wow! Amazing...

Oh yeah, take a look at the confessions site... some are just unbelivable...

What a world...

Daylight savings time is over again. hmmmm... kinda weird to get used to this new time at first. Besides, it's been proven recently that the day Daylight Savings occur is the LEAST productive day of the year. ha, didn't expect that. Also, I heard recently that we get exposed to more hours of solar radiation and that can lead to some heath problems like cancer.
For those of you who don't know what Daylight Savings is, it goes something like this: Every year on the last weekend of March, at 1:59am of Sunday, everyone officially sets the clock 1 hour ahead of normal time. So at 1:59am it goes straight to 3am. Governments consider that in doing so, the country saves energy by turning on the lights later, for example at 8pm (which would be 7pm in regular time). But they don't count that we sleep 1 hour less!
Ok, so then in the last weekend of October, the Daylight Saving time period is over and we set our clocks back 1 hour again. At 1:59am of Sunday, the clock goes to 1am again and then goes on normally.
It feels weird at first and it takes a bit to get used to this... I strongly disagree with daylight savings time for many reasons.

weeee, no more exams until late November! finally I can be a slacker again :'3

Thursday, October 28, 2010

No Free Lunch?

d'oooooh! Just when I thought I was gonna score a free lunch tomorrow on the occasion on one of my friend's 19th birthday (yup, he's exactly 1 day younger than Lyn!) the dude told me and the others he's not paying anyone lunch because he's going to some event in Lisbon with only one of his friends. I didn't get what kind of event it was exactly, but from what I heard it has something to do with the president? weird... o.o'
Anyways, those 2 lucky sons of.... are going to miss the whole day of class! and they're authorized! haaaa... not fair. And tomorrow we got an economics test... They will only do the exact same test next Tuesday. 2 things: 1) they will have more time to prepare and 2) They will already know most of the questions that will be on the test -.-'

boooooo, I thought we were gonna make a party and stuff... ! oh, what a let down -.-'

I will have no more tests until late November after tomorrow's at least. That means more time to do whatever I feel like, including updating this thingy more often, LOL.

That's all the time I have now, I'll update this again soon.

btw, I already posted on your fb and stuff but I'll say once more before teh day is over :D Happy b-day Lyn! uisehh! xP

hmmm chocolate... *drools* I want one of those :'3

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

fire next door

So like, today I went to tuition class and in the middle, the building next to ours was literally on fire! hahahah I heard the ambulance noise from inside the clasroom in the 3rd floor and after a few seconds I asked my tutor "is there an ambulance outside?" and when looked out the window he saw a firetruck there. "it's a firetruck" he said. Then he looked next window and there was a lot of smoke comming out from there. Then we all get up (I was having class with 2 girls at that time) and saw it too and everyone down there looking at our window and the one on fire. He rushed to tell the hairdresser girl next door and when she looked out the window her reaction was priceless. She totally freaked out! aaahahahah. She was in such a hurry she went running downstairs and didn't even wanna take the elevator xD
So us 3 and our tutor went outside a while for like 15 minutes and watched it from there. It wasn't such a big deal, really. Just someone that left the stove on while she left home and burned half the house down in the process... big deal :P
Then came the fire estinguisher men inside there and more smoke frm the estuguishers come out... No material was damanged from the classroom building... We even joked about the situation xP

siiigh it's getting less and less likeley... =/ good luck, me.

Monday, October 25, 2010

I don't even know what to call this :)

Wow, it's been a while since I last updated this... Mainly because of all the shit I got going on lately. I got about everything. School meetings, exams, spend time with friends and keeping my Youtube account updated often so I don't let my subscribers, friends and followers down ;)

weeeee some viking techno staright from Norway by Stian K! :) I found the title worth a comment too. "Area 51" :D

ok anyways, one thing that upset me recently was the whole drama around Wayne Rooney's contract renewal. Appearently he wanted to be the highest paid player in the world with an annual 15 million euros! And he refused to sign a new contract until his demands were accepted by Manchester United. Basically, he or his manager, whatever, are bullying the club and Alex Ferguson around. Just goes to show how proud Mr. Rooney is of Man U, a great name of football and the club that lift him to fame.
And it's not like he did a decent world cup not to mention his start of the season was terrible, finding the net only once so far this season.
In reponse, Blackpool manager Ian Holloway responded in an interview about the story. He just outburst and gave a very valid opinion of it.
That man rules:


hmmm I'd post a story here but it's so weird and embarassing that I'll just play long, see how it turns out and then maybe post here once it's finished. Lyn knowns what I'm about ;D I think she's the only one anyways., which reminds me, her b-day is comming soon, eh... *takes note on calendar*
Not that I'll forget anyways because it's the day before one of my friend's, haha. Some party it'll be :PPP

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

childish, not stupid

I'm wrecked as fuck recently. Just a while ago, I fell asleep watching the Republic of Ireland game against Slovakia... that's weird, because I never fell asleep watching tv, much less watching football and much less watching football on the pc. That's the problem with getting up early! People like me who need more sleep can never adapt to school times schedule. Im my opinion, classes at 8:30am should be forbidden.
For example....
If you were the boss of a company would you rather have an employee who always gets there on time, gets there at 8:30am with a little sacrifice and does a certain amount of work during a day... OR... having an employee who like... only gets to work at let's say 11am everyday but at the end of the day the work is all done, all in order and even does twice the productivity the first one does?
Makes you think? not me.

When I got home from school, I found out the a TV company cancelled my favourite and tv show from that channel. The show is called "Kenny vs Spenny". I CAN'T BELIVE THEY DID SUCH THING! WHY DID THEY CANCEL IT? WHY WHY WHY? D=
gay tv company.

The show is basically about 2 Canadian guys who are best friends and battle each other in all kinds of competitions from who can smoke more weed to who can spend most time in a haunted house, who make lose the most weight in 3 days, who can have more fun, etc.
And in the end of each episode, the loser has to do a humiliation. Humiliating things such as grabbing apples with the teeth from the toilet and stuff like that. You get the picture xD
omg... it's so funny if you watch it! search it on youtube "Kenny vs Spenny". Results will come up.
.... they cancelled it T_T I really hope it's just one of those temporary things...

An image I liked from the show...

I don't even wanna know what's inside those experiment tubes xD

oh yeah, getting hungry already here.

btw, yesterday, some girl frm Taiwan said she liked me but I think she says that to everyone she talks to. I mean, it's the first time we ever talk on msn after I got it from her facebook and she already said something like "I wanna tell you something before you go" then as I was about to go she was like " Chris, I like you *becomes all red* ". Yup... But then I go see her facebook, and I see her giving out her phone number to black guys on the pictures comments section where everyone can see it. So yeah, she must in fact say that to everyone.
I may be childish, but I'm not stupid! >_>

Thursday, October 7, 2010

messing around

I can't remember I laughed so much and so hard while having a class. Well, that's the difference of being able to sit wherever you want. Being close to your friends helps a lot. Omg my god, insane stuff today hahahaha. The teacher even told us 3 to go out of the classroom for 5 minutes and finish talking outside so we don't disturb the class. So we did! we kept talking with eachother and laughing in the school hall, ahahaha!

Then during class we did everything but pay attention. Make paper planes, make funny sketches of each other, played the ''stop game'' and a guy was seding random people little papers saying "do you wanna date me?" including to other guys xDDDD omfg the way some reacted was priceless. Much better than a comedy film I tell ya! :'D
Some gals did gave him cold-hearted answers, but they were just joking too :'3

Heh, what can I say? Last year, have to make most of it. Finish with style...
Good times. Maybe I will miss high school after all?

Well it's getting late now and I start school early so I gotta go and post again tomorrow. That's all the time for now!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Blehh, why are we fighting for something we can't achieve? I mean, is it really worth it to wish for something that will never come true? Is it really worth using my time and effort for something impossible? Might as well save them, I know. But it's like the movie says: Get rich or die tryin' in. In my case it's not about getting rich, but I rather try it. The results are usually a let down, but I'm prepared. At least I'll have a lighter conscience! I still think that I'll never make it =(

Everything is so complex, everyday is like a test full of obstacles that seem almost impossible. And just when you think you gotten past through them, they're gonna come back and tackle you to the damn ground.

Some people say everything happens for a reason. Come to think of it, the last 2-3 years, there has been like a chain reaction with one occurance leading to another and that one leadeing to several others and so on. There's probably a reason for that. Or maybe who knows? It just happened for no reason at all and it's all coincidence, lolz.
Yeah, sometimes I'm filled with philosophic thoughts.

Do I dare?


Friday, October 1, 2010

Assholes and fake people

The 2 types of people I hate the most. In a way, it's a system that sustains itself. Assholes annoy other people and do stupid fuckin' immature stuff to get attention and on the other hand, fake people will "kiss their asses" you know, pretend to be the assholes' friends in order to get benefits from those manipulative motherfu----- and to make sure they don't annoy them. The assholes will therefore live in a fake happyness that is bound to go down the drain in the future and when they need their friends, they turn their back on these assholes.

I control myself not to do stupid stuff that may end up in a lot of trouble... Thank you for your support :) haha... you must be one of the only ones ;D

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mac beef for McDonald's

hmmmmmmmmm I've been meaning to do this for a long time and now the time has finally come :'3 I'm going to make a post throwing McDonald's to the mud. But not by just talking shit about how much it sucks and stuff. I'll post some facts and evidences too.

Where can I start?

In around 2003 or so, an appearent RAT leg was found in a McDonald's restaurant in a city like... 25km away from where I live maybe? Anyways, the person who got that suspected rat leg took it to the lab for further analisys. It was confirmed to be a rat leg indeed. Which makes me wonder how it turn in there...
2 theories: 1-) They intentionally killed an innocent mouse and used its meat to make a hamburger or 2-) The dirty conditions of that specific restaurant got a mouse to somehow fall into the meat crusher or something. Either way, it's unacceptable!

Ok, Now take a look at this video. It's worth a thousand words:

Awwwwww, they're so generous that they even put happy meal prizes without we even asking :'D
Do I need to say more?

And finally, I will post yet another video this one showing how the food breaks down on its own as time goes on compared to a regular burger from a restaurant across the street where they actually make real hamburgers:

Not long ago, I found an french fry from many years ago behind my couch from a really old McDonald's meal, and despite being covered with dust, it looked like I bought it yesterday after I washed it. Just to give you an idea how it works.

Well, that's my word. Now I hope you people think twice before you eat there =P

Saturday, September 25, 2010

More about the Author


Spell your name with the title of songs.

C = Crawling by Linkin Park

H = Hymn by Tina Cousins

R = Right Now by SR-71

I = Inside Of Me by Dead By Sunrise

S = Sakura Girl by DJ Gollum


– Name: Cristiano, call me Chris.
– Birth date: 14 April 1992
– Nickname: Chris, Chrisky
– Eye Color: Greenish blue
– Horoscope : Aries


– The shoes you wore today: none
– Your weaknesses: I'm not revealing that :P
– Your fear(s): Maths scares me xP
– Your perfect pizza: lotsa cheese and ketchup and a shitload of mushrooms.
– Goal you’d like to achieve: won't fit here =)


– Your best physical feature: none :P
– Your bedtime: 3am on holidays, midnight on school days
– Most missed memory: Good old 4th grade days.


This Or That…
– Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi Twist ;D
– McDonald’s or Burger King: None. Pizza hut ftw!
– Adidas or Nike: Nike
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Ice Tea
– Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
– Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino


Do You…
– Smoke: ugh, no.
– Curse: Too fuckin' much.
– Sing: Yessa
– Dance: no way
– Take a shower everyday: Nope. I'm a pig x))
– Have a crush: *fzzzt*
– Do you think you’ve been in love?: *fzzzzzzzzzzt!*
– Like(d) high school: It sucks
– Want to get married: At some point
– Get motion sickness: I don't even know what that is.
– Think you’re attractive: Meh... 50-50
– Think you’re a health freak: Not really
– Get along with your parents: Yes.


In the past month…
– Gone to the mall: Lulz yeah my mom works there.
– Eaten an entire box of Oreos: oh yeah, I ate one just today :D
– Eaten Sushi: Sadly no.
– Been on stage: Nope.
– Gone skating: When I was a kid
– Made homemade cookies: LOL
– Gone Skinny dipping: LOL
– Stolen anything: LOL


– Played a game that required removal of clothing: Real life game? nooooes xD
– If so, was it mixed company: I said no, stupid.
– Flashed anyone: HAHAHAHA
– Been beaten up: almost!
– Shoplifted: I'm a good boy :)


– Age you hope to be married: 26-29
– Numbers of Children: To be decided ;D
– Describe your Dream Wedding: uhhhhhh...
– What country would you most like to visit: Singapore, Malaysia, Norway, Japan, etc


In the opposite sex..
– Best eye color: Brown, Black
– Best hair color: Brown, Black again.
– Short hair or long hair?: Long
– Height: Doesn't matter.


– Number of people I could trust with my life: blah.
– Number of CDs that I own: None. All downloaded :D
– Number of tattoos: -1
– Number of piercings: -2

Personal Quiz

– Who were you with yesterday?: My classmates. Too many to write.
– What woke you up this morning?: can't remember o.o'
– Where are you?: computer room
– Is tomorrow going to be a good day?: Let's hope so.
– Do you like anybody: As friends yeah :D


– Ever thrown up in public?: not that I remember
– Passed out because of alcohol: LOL!
– What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW: you really wanna know? :'3


– What kind of home would you like?: One in a city xD
– What do you want to be when you grow up: Rich without having to work.
– Where do you see yourself in 5 years?: In a wonderful magical place with skittles everywhere and no traffic signs.


– Do you like candy necklaces?: ugh, no thanks
– When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?: Omg, dunno but that happens all the time.
– Do you listen to music every day: hell yeah!
– Do you still go trick or treating: Never did
– What was the last thing you ate: Bag of chips.
– Are you a fast typer: I'd say so.
– Whats your favorite type of soda: Coke xD
– Have you ever moved: yes.
– Have you ever won an award: :'3

– Are you listening to music right now: Yeah
– How long ’till your birthday: 7 months
– When was the saddest time in your whole life: --------
– What time is it: Time you go buy a clock.
– Do you use ebay to buy or sell: Nope.
– What makes you mad: waking up early, when things don't do what they're supposted to.
– Have you ever heard a song written about you: lulz never even thought of that.
– Something you want to happen in 2015: that means 2012 stuff is all shit. haha!
– Honestly, do you miss 2008: No, I miss 2002!


1. Honestly, who's your first date: nope.
2. Honestly, what's on your mind: Hungry.
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now: chattin' with a pretty girl xD
4. Honestly, have you done something bad today: I killed an innocent fly T^T !
5. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone: Johnnyboy
6. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now: lulz no.
7. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time: I said waking up early, jackass!
8. Honestly, do you bite your nails: sometimes x)
9. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder: Hopefully never will.
10. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment: Sure ;D
11. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now: Dirty little secrets xD
12. Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like: If I don't liek him, why would I be his friend in the first place?
13. Honestly, are you a nerd: LOL a bit.
14. Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night and eat: Nahhh.
15. Honestly, do you like anyone: *burp*
16. Honestly, does anyone like you: 'the hell should I know? Ask them! xP


1. What do you do when you’re mad: Break stuff x)
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad: Broke a lamp x)
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad: yeah :P
4. Do you swear when you’re mad: ALL THE FUCKIN' TIME :D


1. When was the last time you actually cried: can't remember
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep: <_< >_> O_O yes.
3. Do certain songs make you cry: nah.
4. What usually makes you cry: 135pi24jhyt42g

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Poison on the inside

I agree with you when you say a book shouldn't be judged by its cover. Yes, you. You know who you are ^^
You can't judge a book by its cover. Beauty is so much more than the part you see with your eyes. Some parts you can only see with the heart (woooo did I just say this?). Some people may look good on the outside but they're poisonous on the inside

This is what happens:

Stabs you in the back when you ain't lookin'.

Not many people think this nowadays. Many are just in it for the look. But most eventually realize their mistake later... There is something more left to find. Something more...

DJ promoter:
Yup, it's my honour to promote DJ's on youtube. I currently have an account with 118 trance techno music videos uploaded, three of them with 100,000+ views and around 3,600 subscribers so I'm using all that popularity to promote some awesome but not very well known dj's seeking to become famous. And I do it for FREE! Good music like this needs to be promoted! xD I will still continue to upload my hard disk songs though.

So since I was bored, I did some test to see how optimistic I am:

Optimism test: (copy the link)

I scored 44 points out of 100 which makes me...

over 80 points - Bravo, you are a confirmed optimist!
------> from 40 to 80 points - You are moderately optimistic, things will get better in time !
less than 40 points - You are beginning to be optimistic, you can certainly do better than this !

Fabulous! xP I hope so...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Going the Distance 2010

"Going the Distance is a 2010 romantic comedy film directed by Nanette Burstein, and staring Justin Long and Drew Barrymore. The movie began filming in New York City in July 2009, and was released on September 3, 2010." ~ Wikipedia

So it goes like this:
The movie revolves around a couple who try to maintain a long-distance relationship, with the guy, being from New York City (American East Coast) and the girl being from San Francisco, California (West Coast). I'm looking forward to watch this movie especially since this is a topic that interests me and is very actual so I wanna see how this turns out. I hope they don't ruin it! I wanna see their impression of it.

The movie already came out on September 3rd in the United States and it will most likely premiere here on the local cinemas next week but I probably won't go to the cinema to watch it. Instead, I think I'll just download it and watch on my pc as many times as I want hahahah xD

Well, here's the movie poster:

I love how it reveals NOTHING about the movie :'3

So uhm, yeah my expectations are pretty high. Impress me :P Might watch this weekend.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Mental note: It was a harsh blow. It's getting even more awkward. I gotta use my head now. I always find a way eventually. I can do this. I get knocked down but I get up again. Must lift my chin and remain optimistic.

Weekend at last! Finally I most likely will go back to being myself again. The tiredness is killing me! I gotta get used to it... and go to bed earlier... *siiiiiiigh*. And the "real" classes didn't even start yet! I'll start to have a shitload of stuff to study soon enough. I really must pass that exam next June! Or else I'll end up like him:

So I better really try hard. I'll still be online often though.

Taken yesterday with my webcam so the quality is not very... let's be honest, the quality sucks. But you get the essencial =)

epic quote right here:
(About me): "Lover and fighter, happy and sad, peacefull and ferocious, hates those who hate and loves those that love. A bit of everything in myself but overall the guy who likes to hang out and you would like to hang out with."
Whoever made that quote sure knows what he's talking about.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back in showbiz

so I went to court today as a witness to what happened on the night of November 8th 2009. I misses 2 of my classes (yay!). Turns out that one of the guys who beat up my friends appeared. We were all surprised. And futhermore, he appeared 15 minutes late which lead us to think he wasn't gonna show at all.
But what surprise us even more is that he accepted to appologize in public and pay for the damages caused. Problem solved. He said he confused my friends for 2 brazillian guys who raped a Ukrainian girl at the castle (wacky). I don't belive that bullshit but oh well.

So it ended at around 11am and I went back to school. Now here I am at home having lunch and writing this :)

Like promised, I'll post some photos of myself now all taken today :P

Regular normal me.

Uhhhhm... this one is normal too. For me at least xD

Yup... I'm sober x)


Me having a stroke.

Ok so I took a few pics around my house too to show everyone how wonderful it is :'3

Half of my desk...

... and the other half of my desk. Everything is so tidy right? ;D

Yup, that's a bed. The computer room's bed.

That's my study desk...

... and that's me studying in my lovely study desk :'333

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back to school... wrecked!

Yesterday was a day every student loves and is waiting for all year. Back to school! because school is so much fun! right? ROFL

siiiigh I hate getting up early to start with. I'm wrecked as fuck because in the last 2 days I only slept 4 and 5 hours respectively... I need 9 hours or at the very least, 8. Yeah, I'm like kids... If I don't get enough sleep, I become very fatigued, I become pissed off easily and I easily get angry =/

Half my class are new guys, surprisingly but I seem to be fitting in fine, fortunately. Just some assholes frm last year stayed. Anyways, the new guys are cool so yeah...

Other than that, the classes are boooring.... and this picture pretty much describes how I feel during class:

and this is how the rest of the class feels:


It's sooooo hot here again... 1 pic is worth a thousand words:

Next time I post pics of myself, kay? xP

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tired of Portugal Women

I'm tired of Portugal. I don't like them. Yup, I'm going to post about this again...

First of all, I don't like the climate that much. It's too hot and dry in the summer for my taste so I don't like it. However, Portuguese people LOVE that weather because if they're a girl they can go to the beach and show they hawt sexy body to hot guys and take a few pictures of themselves sometimes alone, sometimes with their friends in swimsuit/bikini and post them in their precious little hi5 and facebook pages showing their best attributes being them their giant chest, their ass worthy of a playboy cover or something else in order to get attention from popular horny guys and have a lovely hook-up.
Guys love it so they can go to the beach precisely to watch those so smexy girls in their most revealing and tight clothes out there and see if they get pick up one to hook-up because like they can't find anywhere else to dump them.

Strike 1

The people. ahhhhhh, with that description I just posted about them earlier in mind, it seems like I'm describing a Mexico city more than I'm describing a developed first world European country, but unfortunately that's the way it is.

1) To start, Portuguese girls always try to take down the males' egos. They are annoying as fuck. They "tweet" a lot. You make friends with her, she won't leave you alone again. You say something peculiar or usual about you, they make fun of you. And I hate it how stubborn they are! They always think they're the ones who are right and once proved wrong, they start annoying you and/or saying all kinds of nonsense bullshit excuses.
I love it how in their blogs, hi5 pages and facebook pages in their "about me" section where you can write a small text about yourselves, you know, describe ourselves as a person, I find all these awesome "descriptions" written by our lovely Portuguese girls and realize how wonderful they are. They're all "nice, fun, playful, interesting, love their friends, happy and helpful". The biggest flaw we can find there is, in general "a bit stubborn" or "a little lazy", but no cynical, violent, annoying, ignorant, shitty or any other bad thing that makes them look like they're not perfect.

2) Now let's take a look at the pictures of the profile pictures they use as their facebook main photo which will be visible to everyone in their profiles.
For that, I selected 3 random people (the first 3 I could find) whose name and location shall remain annonymous:




I don't like Portuguese girls. Portuguese women don't attract me at all. I hate Portugal girls, end of story. You will NEVER see me dating a Portuguese girl.

strike 2 and 3

No wonder I don't even know my own country's national anthem...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

not a single care

She would have won the Eurovision song contest. This was Azerbaijan's entry song for this year's contest. Safura was only 17 at the time of the contest (she recently turned 18) has got a beautiful voice and well I can say she looks good too =P

but instead, like usual, the most popular or powerful country's singer wins. This year it was Germany. The song is so shitty I won't even bother to post it. You can look for yourselves "Lena - Satellite" is the name of Germany's 2010 entry song.

I got nothing much to do so these days I just play games with my bro without a single care in the world. I actually completed 2 games! I have this habbit of starting a game but only about 5% of times completing it until the end... yup.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Looking back

ok so today is August 21h, 2010. I realized how fast time flies by. it's unbelivable. Seems like yesterday I finished school... that was 2 months ago! seems like yesterday I celebrated my 18th birthday... that was in April!
This just flies without we noticing and when we do notice, it feels like a long time has passed by already.
With this said, I feel emotional...

What changed from last year? The answer is: nothing. People usually say "New Year, New Life", right? well, not to me it doesn't. These last few years pretty much the only thing that changed is the number on my age. But I admit I got a bit more mature since turning 18.

Oh hi, I'm Chris, I'm 18 and I'm single. Ok so far, right? lots of people are single at that age. To be honest, that's really no big deal for me. I'm used to being single, I'm ok the way I am. It's not because I'm gay or anything. In fact, I might find a girl pretty, or cute, or hot, or nice. But uhm, I don't know, I'm just in it for that now. Not really looking for something more serious than that. Also, I had a case of what I call "yellow flu". Obviously, I'm not talking about the flu virus that decimated the world population last century, I'm talking about my preference for Asian girls. That's another reason that might explain why I rarely feel attracted to local Portuguese girls. I feel Asian girls have better personality (not all of them of course) but in general. Also some look so cute it's hard to resist xP jk. or am I?
Some friends start wondering what of girl I would date or what my type is exactly. Usually I give them few clues about that. Hey, they should mind their own business =PP

So days go by and I still never fell attracted to a girl in that way... I don't even know what that's like. Like I said before, I may find them cute but I never fell in love. What is love?

To finish, I just wanna say I have this awesome luck too. The girls I could possibly think about having something serious always fall for some other guy sooner or later. That pisses me off deeply. Ok, That's all.

Thanks for reading and peace! I feel better for letting this out already ;D

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Help wanted: "win32 ramnit-B" virus. how to remove?

So I found out the reason why my msn is disconnecting constantly, why my firefox browser crashes constantly why the programs I open takes ages and I mean AGES to open and why my "Start" thing on the bottom keeps freezing. I've been infected with a virus called "win32 ramnit-B". Last week or so, I noticed my kaspersky 7.0 antivirus started acting weird because it kept detecting virus constantly in regular and normal ".exe" files such as Java, windows media player or even my printer program. And they all had the same name. At the moment I can't remember what the name was exactly. "No big deal, it must be acting up or something", I thought. But then I realized something was defenetly wrong. It just wouldn't stop. At first I thought there could be something with my antivirus because it started deleting all my infected .exe files and eventually those programs I mentioned stopped working and some system files got deleted as well but lucky I had backups ready. So I rushed and deleted it to install Avast!, adviced by my friends. But for my surprise, the exact same thing happened. It started deleting all my programs too. "WTF?!" I thought. So it wasn't the antivirus. After an exaustive scan, Avast! detected a total of 3225 files infected by "ramnit-B", the majority of which are .exe, .dll, wmv, htm or html so I concluded that it's a virus that spreads into these types of files while the original is hiding somewhere either in the boot, startup or rootkit.

Another thing I noticed is that when I open the task manager, "IExplorer.exe" seems to have started up on its own even though the internet explorer window doesn't show up unless you open it yourself.

This virus is decimating my computer, infecting my files and destroying precious data in both my hard disks. After some research, I noticed that all the help forums about this virus are still pretty recent and there isn't much known about this virus yet. It's said that the best way to get rid of it is to format to hard disk, but I don't want to lose everything once again! so can anybody help? anyone that has experienced this situation before that can help me?? this is a very serious situation!!

My operative system is Windows XP. Help request to everyone out there! I would appreciate it if you posted solutions on the comments or on the chatbox!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Calm days

ok, so I had busy days recently with a lot to do and I've been outside during the afternoon in many days. But of course, that can't be an excuse for lazyness from my part too. I might sign up for another job, more towards the end of the month because I could really use some money xD

I don't know what to say, really. I mean, many things happened these past few days but it's just stuff that's not worth blogging up.

I was watching at some Japanese school girl uniform pictures a while back. I wonder how they allow them, no wait, demand them to go to dressed up like that 0.o ! jeez, male teachers there can't complain about he lack of eye candy rofl. It must be a sweet job to have, especially in all girls school eh? xP

0.o !

hohoho.... might as well ask them to come with bra and panties =)

I would say "they should make uniform like that here too" but I won't because that would only make this country worse than it already is. The no brain sluts would get even more cocky not to mention most are ugly as fuck too and I get nausea just to look at them in normal clothes... imagine in those tight revealing uniforms. I'd fuckin' vomit.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

UK black couple gives birth to white baby

Watch this video. It's another one of nature and genetics's greatest mysteries although we could call it a goof xD
The baby is confirmed not to be an albino. White skin genetics are known to be able to skip generations, however neither of the parents (both from Nigeria) are aware of any white ancentry. Now that's fucked up.

I just wanted to share this story I found somewhere ^.^

Friday, July 23, 2010

it's time for...

Well, the time has come once again. I'm talking about my hometown's annual party that lasts 5 days. The only 5 days of the year when this city doesn't suck!! xDDD
It's got concerts, animation events, music on the streets and my personal favourite, an amusement park! ;D they have bumper cars, children's rides, the pit of death, some wild chairs that go up and down and a giant wheel where people sit on some kinda big chair and go on a wild ride. I'll post images here if I can.

During the day, it's empty as fuck and almost nobody is there. But after like... 9:30pm, it starts filling and there's a lot of people and almost every attraction gets full.

Well, I still didn't get the call about my job, but I except to start on August 1st the most...
Today so far I just sit here all day (I went out the last 3 consecutive days) so we might say it's my rest day xP
There's this Thai girl I got on my msn who had nothing better to do so she got he guitar and played a few well known songs in front of a live audience of which I'm the only person xPPP Well, she's just getting started... She started like 2 weeks ago so she's not exactly a pro yet. But I did like her voice a lot. It kinda reminds me of Hayley Williams from Paramore or Avril a bit. And her accent is so cute hahahhah ;D Good times. I liked listening to her.
Too bad she got a bf :P naw jk ^.^
I would post her pic here but uhm... I better not :p

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

here we go

So these past few days I haven't update this much but I got good excuses for that. This Saturday I was out all day with friends and later in the evening I had to go to my granny's. Friday I had to go to a city like 28km away from my hometown to sign a bunch of papers in order to apply to the job in the factory. Seriously, what's the deal? and I had to be there at 10am, so imagine what hour I had to get up. And I don't know shit about the city so I went around and around and around...... until I was finally able to find the place where I was supposted to go. The city is considerably larger then my hometown (about 50,000 people comparing to my hometown's 15,000). But yeah it was fun figuring out where I had to go and how everything works out. I mean, everyone loves to figure that shit out, right?

Yesterday I just took a rest and stayed home watching tv, on the pc... lazy stuff. It was fun actually, heh xD talking with my friends, play games, chat with pretty girls ^.^ xP

Here's an interesting tektonik video I found and wanna share with everyone reading this:

After watching this, I have some serious doubts which one is better: tektonik or shuffle. They're both fun to watch, I can tell ya that.
The song kick ass too! it's Basshunter, one of my favourite dj's ;D The song name is "Now you're gone" Huge dance hit around Europe.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fuck the fashion sheep!

Fashion sheep. I absolutely hate their attitude!! One thing is following the fucking fashion of today and always have the latest and brand new MTV top music video junk that teenage girls are usually crazy about... for like 6 days before a new one comes out. But this is different. They want to force or pressure others into following those pathetic trends to at the risk of those people being called "outdated" and "uncool". But you know what's even more uncool? The incapacity of these stupid fucks to have their own tastes and preferences and instead being brainwashed by MVT piece of shit and other marketing shitski and following their every move about fashion or celebraties as stupid as they may be. I take my hat for those companies who came up with such a brilliant marketing scheme and must make millions and millions and millions thanks to those stupid fucks.

Another thing: good music is good music, no matter how old it is.

So I'm sorry ms Eng but I won't sink low enough to get a haircut like that stupid celebrity sissy you showed me last time, sorry to disappoint you. I follow my own style. I do things my way xP

New blog

So this is my new blog. I'll be posting new stuff here instead because let's face it: the other looked like a piece of fucking shit!

This is not done yet, I still gotta add some music, and the other useless crap everybody uses to make their blog more shinny and colorful :)

Meanwhile you can start counting until 7,000,000 slowly. Once you finish it my blog will most likely be ready ;D