Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mac beef for McDonald's

hmmmmmmmmm I've been meaning to do this for a long time and now the time has finally come :'3 I'm going to make a post throwing McDonald's to the mud. But not by just talking shit about how much it sucks and stuff. I'll post some facts and evidences too.

Where can I start?

In around 2003 or so, an appearent RAT leg was found in a McDonald's restaurant in a city like... 25km away from where I live maybe? Anyways, the person who got that suspected rat leg took it to the lab for further analisys. It was confirmed to be a rat leg indeed. Which makes me wonder how it turn in there...
2 theories: 1-) They intentionally killed an innocent mouse and used its meat to make a hamburger or 2-) The dirty conditions of that specific restaurant got a mouse to somehow fall into the meat crusher or something. Either way, it's unacceptable!

Ok, Now take a look at this video. It's worth a thousand words:

Awwwwww, they're so generous that they even put happy meal prizes without we even asking :'D
Do I need to say more?

And finally, I will post yet another video this one showing how the food breaks down on its own as time goes on compared to a regular burger from a restaurant across the street where they actually make real hamburgers:

Not long ago, I found an french fry from many years ago behind my couch from a really old McDonald's meal, and despite being covered with dust, it looked like I bought it yesterday after I washed it. Just to give you an idea how it works.

Well, that's my word. Now I hope you people think twice before you eat there =P

Saturday, September 25, 2010

More about the Author


Spell your name with the title of songs.

C = Crawling by Linkin Park

H = Hymn by Tina Cousins

R = Right Now by SR-71

I = Inside Of Me by Dead By Sunrise

S = Sakura Girl by DJ Gollum


– Name: Cristiano, call me Chris.
– Birth date: 14 April 1992
– Nickname: Chris, Chrisky
– Eye Color: Greenish blue
– Horoscope : Aries


– The shoes you wore today: none
– Your weaknesses: I'm not revealing that :P
– Your fear(s): Maths scares me xP
– Your perfect pizza: lotsa cheese and ketchup and a shitload of mushrooms.
– Goal you’d like to achieve: won't fit here =)


– Your best physical feature: none :P
– Your bedtime: 3am on holidays, midnight on school days
– Most missed memory: Good old 4th grade days.


This Or That…
– Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi Twist ;D
– McDonald’s or Burger King: None. Pizza hut ftw!
– Adidas or Nike: Nike
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Ice Tea
– Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
– Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino


Do You…
– Smoke: ugh, no.
– Curse: Too fuckin' much.
– Sing: Yessa
– Dance: no way
– Take a shower everyday: Nope. I'm a pig x))
– Have a crush: *fzzzt*
– Do you think you’ve been in love?: *fzzzzzzzzzzt!*
– Like(d) high school: It sucks
– Want to get married: At some point
– Get motion sickness: I don't even know what that is.
– Think you’re attractive: Meh... 50-50
– Think you’re a health freak: Not really
– Get along with your parents: Yes.


In the past month…
– Gone to the mall: Lulz yeah my mom works there.
– Eaten an entire box of Oreos: oh yeah, I ate one just today :D
– Eaten Sushi: Sadly no.
– Been on stage: Nope.
– Gone skating: When I was a kid
– Made homemade cookies: LOL
– Gone Skinny dipping: LOL
– Stolen anything: LOL


– Played a game that required removal of clothing: Real life game? nooooes xD
– If so, was it mixed company: I said no, stupid.
– Flashed anyone: HAHAHAHA
– Been beaten up: almost!
– Shoplifted: I'm a good boy :)


– Age you hope to be married: 26-29
– Numbers of Children: To be decided ;D
– Describe your Dream Wedding: uhhhhhh...
– What country would you most like to visit: Singapore, Malaysia, Norway, Japan, etc


In the opposite sex..
– Best eye color: Brown, Black
– Best hair color: Brown, Black again.
– Short hair or long hair?: Long
– Height: Doesn't matter.


– Number of people I could trust with my life: blah.
– Number of CDs that I own: None. All downloaded :D
– Number of tattoos: -1
– Number of piercings: -2

Personal Quiz

– Who were you with yesterday?: My classmates. Too many to write.
– What woke you up this morning?: can't remember o.o'
– Where are you?: computer room
– Is tomorrow going to be a good day?: Let's hope so.
– Do you like anybody: As friends yeah :D


– Ever thrown up in public?: not that I remember
– Passed out because of alcohol: LOL!
– What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW: you really wanna know? :'3


– What kind of home would you like?: One in a city xD
– What do you want to be when you grow up: Rich without having to work.
– Where do you see yourself in 5 years?: In a wonderful magical place with skittles everywhere and no traffic signs.


– Do you like candy necklaces?: ugh, no thanks
– When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?: Omg, dunno but that happens all the time.
– Do you listen to music every day: hell yeah!
– Do you still go trick or treating: Never did
– What was the last thing you ate: Bag of chips.
– Are you a fast typer: I'd say so.
– Whats your favorite type of soda: Coke xD
– Have you ever moved: yes.
– Have you ever won an award: :'3

– Are you listening to music right now: Yeah
– How long ’till your birthday: 7 months
– When was the saddest time in your whole life: --------
– What time is it: Time you go buy a clock.
– Do you use ebay to buy or sell: Nope.
– What makes you mad: waking up early, when things don't do what they're supposted to.
– Have you ever heard a song written about you: lulz never even thought of that.
– Something you want to happen in 2015: that means 2012 stuff is all shit. haha!
– Honestly, do you miss 2008: No, I miss 2002!


1. Honestly, who's your first date: nope.
2. Honestly, what's on your mind: Hungry.
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now: chattin' with a pretty girl xD
4. Honestly, have you done something bad today: I killed an innocent fly T^T !
5. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone: Johnnyboy
6. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now: lulz no.
7. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time: I said waking up early, jackass!
8. Honestly, do you bite your nails: sometimes x)
9. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder: Hopefully never will.
10. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment: Sure ;D
11. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now: Dirty little secrets xD
12. Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like: If I don't liek him, why would I be his friend in the first place?
13. Honestly, are you a nerd: LOL a bit.
14. Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night and eat: Nahhh.
15. Honestly, do you like anyone: *burp*
16. Honestly, does anyone like you: 'the hell should I know? Ask them! xP


1. What do you do when you’re mad: Break stuff x)
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad: Broke a lamp x)
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad: yeah :P
4. Do you swear when you’re mad: ALL THE FUCKIN' TIME :D


1. When was the last time you actually cried: can't remember
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep: <_< >_> O_O yes.
3. Do certain songs make you cry: nah.
4. What usually makes you cry: 135pi24jhyt42g

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Poison on the inside

I agree with you when you say a book shouldn't be judged by its cover. Yes, you. You know who you are ^^
You can't judge a book by its cover. Beauty is so much more than the part you see with your eyes. Some parts you can only see with the heart (woooo did I just say this?). Some people may look good on the outside but they're poisonous on the inside

This is what happens:

Stabs you in the back when you ain't lookin'.

Not many people think this nowadays. Many are just in it for the look. But most eventually realize their mistake later... There is something more left to find. Something more...

DJ promoter:
Yup, it's my honour to promote DJ's on youtube. I currently have an account with 118 trance techno music videos uploaded, three of them with 100,000+ views and around 3,600 subscribers so I'm using all that popularity to promote some awesome but not very well known dj's seeking to become famous. And I do it for FREE! Good music like this needs to be promoted! xD I will still continue to upload my hard disk songs though.

So since I was bored, I did some test to see how optimistic I am:

Optimism test: (copy the link)

I scored 44 points out of 100 which makes me...

over 80 points - Bravo, you are a confirmed optimist!
------> from 40 to 80 points - You are moderately optimistic, things will get better in time !
less than 40 points - You are beginning to be optimistic, you can certainly do better than this !

Fabulous! xP I hope so...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Going the Distance 2010

"Going the Distance is a 2010 romantic comedy film directed by Nanette Burstein, and staring Justin Long and Drew Barrymore. The movie began filming in New York City in July 2009, and was released on September 3, 2010." ~ Wikipedia

So it goes like this:
The movie revolves around a couple who try to maintain a long-distance relationship, with the guy, being from New York City (American East Coast) and the girl being from San Francisco, California (West Coast). I'm looking forward to watch this movie especially since this is a topic that interests me and is very actual so I wanna see how this turns out. I hope they don't ruin it! I wanna see their impression of it.

The movie already came out on September 3rd in the United States and it will most likely premiere here on the local cinemas next week but I probably won't go to the cinema to watch it. Instead, I think I'll just download it and watch on my pc as many times as I want hahahah xD

Well, here's the movie poster:

I love how it reveals NOTHING about the movie :'3

So uhm, yeah my expectations are pretty high. Impress me :P Might watch this weekend.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Mental note: It was a harsh blow. It's getting even more awkward. I gotta use my head now. I always find a way eventually. I can do this. I get knocked down but I get up again. Must lift my chin and remain optimistic.

Weekend at last! Finally I most likely will go back to being myself again. The tiredness is killing me! I gotta get used to it... and go to bed earlier... *siiiiiiigh*. And the "real" classes didn't even start yet! I'll start to have a shitload of stuff to study soon enough. I really must pass that exam next June! Or else I'll end up like him:

So I better really try hard. I'll still be online often though.

Taken yesterday with my webcam so the quality is not very... let's be honest, the quality sucks. But you get the essencial =)

epic quote right here:
(About me): "Lover and fighter, happy and sad, peacefull and ferocious, hates those who hate and loves those that love. A bit of everything in myself but overall the guy who likes to hang out and you would like to hang out with."
Whoever made that quote sure knows what he's talking about.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back in showbiz

so I went to court today as a witness to what happened on the night of November 8th 2009. I misses 2 of my classes (yay!). Turns out that one of the guys who beat up my friends appeared. We were all surprised. And futhermore, he appeared 15 minutes late which lead us to think he wasn't gonna show at all.
But what surprise us even more is that he accepted to appologize in public and pay for the damages caused. Problem solved. He said he confused my friends for 2 brazillian guys who raped a Ukrainian girl at the castle (wacky). I don't belive that bullshit but oh well.

So it ended at around 11am and I went back to school. Now here I am at home having lunch and writing this :)

Like promised, I'll post some photos of myself now all taken today :P

Regular normal me.

Uhhhhm... this one is normal too. For me at least xD

Yup... I'm sober x)


Me having a stroke.

Ok so I took a few pics around my house too to show everyone how wonderful it is :'3

Half of my desk...

... and the other half of my desk. Everything is so tidy right? ;D

Yup, that's a bed. The computer room's bed.

That's my study desk...

... and that's me studying in my lovely study desk :'333

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back to school... wrecked!

Yesterday was a day every student loves and is waiting for all year. Back to school! because school is so much fun! right? ROFL

siiiigh I hate getting up early to start with. I'm wrecked as fuck because in the last 2 days I only slept 4 and 5 hours respectively... I need 9 hours or at the very least, 8. Yeah, I'm like kids... If I don't get enough sleep, I become very fatigued, I become pissed off easily and I easily get angry =/

Half my class are new guys, surprisingly but I seem to be fitting in fine, fortunately. Just some assholes frm last year stayed. Anyways, the new guys are cool so yeah...

Other than that, the classes are boooring.... and this picture pretty much describes how I feel during class:

and this is how the rest of the class feels:


It's sooooo hot here again... 1 pic is worth a thousand words:

Next time I post pics of myself, kay? xP

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tired of Portugal Women

I'm tired of Portugal. I don't like them. Yup, I'm going to post about this again...

First of all, I don't like the climate that much. It's too hot and dry in the summer for my taste so I don't like it. However, Portuguese people LOVE that weather because if they're a girl they can go to the beach and show they hawt sexy body to hot guys and take a few pictures of themselves sometimes alone, sometimes with their friends in swimsuit/bikini and post them in their precious little hi5 and facebook pages showing their best attributes being them their giant chest, their ass worthy of a playboy cover or something else in order to get attention from popular horny guys and have a lovely hook-up.
Guys love it so they can go to the beach precisely to watch those so smexy girls in their most revealing and tight clothes out there and see if they get pick up one to hook-up because like they can't find anywhere else to dump them.

Strike 1

The people. ahhhhhh, with that description I just posted about them earlier in mind, it seems like I'm describing a Mexico city more than I'm describing a developed first world European country, but unfortunately that's the way it is.

1) To start, Portuguese girls always try to take down the males' egos. They are annoying as fuck. They "tweet" a lot. You make friends with her, she won't leave you alone again. You say something peculiar or usual about you, they make fun of you. And I hate it how stubborn they are! They always think they're the ones who are right and once proved wrong, they start annoying you and/or saying all kinds of nonsense bullshit excuses.
I love it how in their blogs, hi5 pages and facebook pages in their "about me" section where you can write a small text about yourselves, you know, describe ourselves as a person, I find all these awesome "descriptions" written by our lovely Portuguese girls and realize how wonderful they are. They're all "nice, fun, playful, interesting, love their friends, happy and helpful". The biggest flaw we can find there is, in general "a bit stubborn" or "a little lazy", but no cynical, violent, annoying, ignorant, shitty or any other bad thing that makes them look like they're not perfect.

2) Now let's take a look at the pictures of the profile pictures they use as their facebook main photo which will be visible to everyone in their profiles.
For that, I selected 3 random people (the first 3 I could find) whose name and location shall remain annonymous:




I don't like Portuguese girls. Portuguese women don't attract me at all. I hate Portugal girls, end of story. You will NEVER see me dating a Portuguese girl.

strike 2 and 3

No wonder I don't even know my own country's national anthem...