Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back to school... wrecked!

Yesterday was a day every student loves and is waiting for all year. Back to school! because school is so much fun! right? ROFL

siiiigh I hate getting up early to start with. I'm wrecked as fuck because in the last 2 days I only slept 4 and 5 hours respectively... I need 9 hours or at the very least, 8. Yeah, I'm like kids... If I don't get enough sleep, I become very fatigued, I become pissed off easily and I easily get angry =/

Half my class are new guys, surprisingly but I seem to be fitting in fine, fortunately. Just some assholes frm last year stayed. Anyways, the new guys are cool so yeah...

Other than that, the classes are boooring.... and this picture pretty much describes how I feel during class:

and this is how the rest of the class feels:


It's sooooo hot here again... 1 pic is worth a thousand words:

Next time I post pics of myself, kay? xP

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