Friday, September 17, 2010


Mental note: It was a harsh blow. It's getting even more awkward. I gotta use my head now. I always find a way eventually. I can do this. I get knocked down but I get up again. Must lift my chin and remain optimistic.

Weekend at last! Finally I most likely will go back to being myself again. The tiredness is killing me! I gotta get used to it... and go to bed earlier... *siiiiiiigh*. And the "real" classes didn't even start yet! I'll start to have a shitload of stuff to study soon enough. I really must pass that exam next June! Or else I'll end up like him:

So I better really try hard. I'll still be online often though.

Taken yesterday with my webcam so the quality is not very... let's be honest, the quality sucks. But you get the essencial =)

epic quote right here:
(About me): "Lover and fighter, happy and sad, peacefull and ferocious, hates those who hate and loves those that love. A bit of everything in myself but overall the guy who likes to hang out and you would like to hang out with."
Whoever made that quote sure knows what he's talking about.

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