Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mac beef for McDonald's

hmmmmmmmmm I've been meaning to do this for a long time and now the time has finally come :'3 I'm going to make a post throwing McDonald's to the mud. But not by just talking shit about how much it sucks and stuff. I'll post some facts and evidences too.

Where can I start?

In around 2003 or so, an appearent RAT leg was found in a McDonald's restaurant in a city like... 25km away from where I live maybe? Anyways, the person who got that suspected rat leg took it to the lab for further analisys. It was confirmed to be a rat leg indeed. Which makes me wonder how it turn in there...
2 theories: 1-) They intentionally killed an innocent mouse and used its meat to make a hamburger or 2-) The dirty conditions of that specific restaurant got a mouse to somehow fall into the meat crusher or something. Either way, it's unacceptable!

Ok, Now take a look at this video. It's worth a thousand words:

Awwwwww, they're so generous that they even put happy meal prizes without we even asking :'D
Do I need to say more?

And finally, I will post yet another video this one showing how the food breaks down on its own as time goes on compared to a regular burger from a restaurant across the street where they actually make real hamburgers:

Not long ago, I found an french fry from many years ago behind my couch from a really old McDonald's meal, and despite being covered with dust, it looked like I bought it yesterday after I washed it. Just to give you an idea how it works.

Well, that's my word. Now I hope you people think twice before you eat there =P

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