Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011


How ironic that I'm updating this exactly one month after my last update.

This time, I'm gonna be short because I pretty much said to you directly what I wanted to say.

Wo ai wo de nv peng you :)

it's looking really good for us.Keep going! :)


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

That makes it 2!

Woah, it's been 2 months already... Seems like yesterday I wrote in this same blog the post regarding our first month together...

I'm happy with you as my girlfriend, it's true. You're the only sunshine in my life, the reason that makes me smile everyday. I can't imagine life without you now.
It was indeed a special day today. Regardless of our little meaningless temporary disagreements, even I was impressed I could say those things to you, in "our moment". Sometimes it's not easy to honestly say what goes in my heart. But those words, I really meant them.

My new wish now, other than of course keeping this relationship, is that I meet you this summer, we have a good time, our relationship grows and we both became completely sure of what we already have in our minds: I wanna spend my life with you :) oh, what am I saying... I'm already sure I want it. But just to confirm, you know. haha... :P You will be more than welcome to annoy me anytime you want, hahah... In return, I will be more than happy to be annoyed by you... you only Jie <3 But that means you have to put up with me too. Poor you ;)
Anyway, at least after we meet we can already say we're in love with someone we already met before... But obviously, that won't change the fact that in the first 3 months of our relationship we never have and we were in love in a way like this... Yeah, it's something magical and unique. Our story is one of a kind :) haha... it's quite a story to tell our friends at some stage, huh?...

In this month you definitely matured as the woman you are. I can feel it. You learned how to take care of yourself better now, how to defend yourself better from other people saying things about you (joking or not), to act more responsable... In short, you're becoming quite a woman. Jealous little girl? We all have our own way of being jealous, like it or not. And we all got our inner child inside of us.
Sometimes I admit that I act that way you said too. We all have those moments, honey. That's what makes us ourselves.

Love is not about money. It's not about skin colour, distance, nationality, beliefs. It's about a special unique kind of connection 2 people have between them but yes, not everyone is able to find that connection... I don't want to jump to conclusions yet but right now I think I found mine already... Please tell me I'm correct and I'm a lucky one :) A little more time will give me the answer.

To finish I want to promise you:
I will give my heart and soul to ensure your patience was worth it. To ensure our efforts weren't in vain, but most importantly, to make sure you won't get hurt in the end. You will see. If 2 people are meant for each other, if it is true love, it will all be worthwhile. I'm no expert but I can assure you that.
I really hope this is the ending we get, babe.

Here's a crappy image I made. That paper was blank when I took this photo in 2008 but with my awesome photoshop skills I wrote something there (tried to at least!) hahah ;) this is just for you to laugh ;D

(Click the image to see it bigger ;) )

I love you Jie Liang. Always.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Night Walk

I just came back home from a night walk. Alone. I went out walking around searching for nothing... nothing? Actually, I was searching for meaning in life. Searching it in my thoughts but walking for nothing.

Just me and the calm night. I walk around the neighbourhood with nobody on the streets. I'm the only one. I can do whatever I want, nobody sees. Complete silence of the night. Yet if I screamed, everyone would open their windows to see what's going on.

I sit alone thinking.

Will I find myself?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Born To Teach?

Recently I've been having this thought in the back of my head... What if I used my language learning gift and the patient personality trait I have and became a teacher? But not any kind of teacher. I was thinking maybe I could be an English or Portuguese teacher in China. Definitely sounds like a job I would like to have. And after I was informed that foreign teachers make good money at the end of the month, I become even more interested.

Yeah, I realize that being a teacher is not all rainbows and butterflies but I believe I'm the right kind of person for that job.
I remember earlier this year when I did my oral presentation in my Portuguese language class, I got a topic which was all about national and European history. My topic was the French Revolutions of 1789 and the French invasions of Portugal. Being an oral presentation, we can't do anything other than stand up and just talk to the class but everyone took a paper with them to take a peek at their topics ;) I was the only one who didn't take a paper. Even my teacher was surprised, hahah xD
At the end of my presentation, many of my friends and my teacher said I would make a good history teacher because I can explain the details well!

It's very practical if things stay the way they are now because my girlfriend wouldn't need to move out of her motherland and I would have a new country, something I've always wanted...

I'm aware of how it's like in China, it's not really the most free country out there, in fact, it's got very manipulated news sources and questioning political decisions is something to be done at home only, but I'm still willing to spend my life in it if I spend it with HER... :)
Besides, It's far from being the worst out there too.

Now I need to focus on earning at least a bachelor's degree so that I have better chances of getting the job. Okay, let's do this!

Heheh... so maybe I will follow someone's footsteps? Yeah, I think that's really what I want.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


woooooo!! I'm so excited!!! haha!! :)) too excited to even write the reason why :PP jk, I'll write it later :P

Monday, July 4, 2011


Eu sempre estarei contigo. És única e não ha ninguém como tu.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

When I'm tired

I did some research, and I found this question on yahoo answers:

Title: "Why do I feel depressed when I'm tired?"
"Every night when i get tired, I start to hate the world more, miss my girlfriend more and listen to angrier music. Does anyone else feel this way? It's really beginning to get old."

Funny, this guy has exactly the same problem I do, except I don't get depressed. Just I get the feeling I'm not doing anything right,

Voted answer:

"Yes,tiredness can cause multiple comlications to anybody,but especially those suffering from a mental issue.

Think about it like war times...sleep DEPRAVATION is OFTEN used as a form of that shows how POWERFUL it can effect both mind AND body:-(

I'd try to avoid that type of can have a HUGE impact on emotions in some people,you'll just aggervate yourself/your depression more:-("

Well, it's hard to explain. But when I don't sleep enough, I have even more mood swings than a girl having her period :)
One moment I'm normal, the next I feel blue, 5 minutes later in okay already...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The future of video games

There's no question that recently and increasingly, video games are becoming more complex every year as technology makes progress.
However, that's not necessarily a good thing. If fact, it's turning out to be a bad thing. Arguments:

Gamers who play the latest versions of each game that comes out are obviously nerds. They spend hours and even days without doing anything else. They get pissed if someone interrupts their activity.

Here's my vision of today's gamer: A young boy around 14-16 years old, fat, with glasses, somewhat anti-social, no girlfriend and the only friends he's got are his empty pizza boxes.

Some people might say: You're obviously basing your point of view on stereotypes. Of course not all gamers are like I mentioned, just the vast majority of them. You would think some of those problems might be solved in the future with all the interactive movement games coming out recently like the Nintendo Wii and such. To those people, I only got one argument based on facts. Here are some of the most played games that were recently released and are a success in terms of sales:

Counter Strike Source (2004) The second most played online game today.

Team Fortress 2 (2007)

Resident Evil 5 (2009)

Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

Left 4 dead 2 (2009)

Call Of Duty: Black Ops (2010)

See, I noticed some similarities between them. In all of these games, you're a guy just pointing a stick at stuff and shooting the shit out of everything and everyone. This is what you call exercise? Awesome!

Also, another point: These kind of games although they're all the same and very repetitive, they require a lot of time to get used to them and eventually get good at them.

Back in my days, we didn't need any fancy graphics and complex stories. Yes, we had simple music, the graphics were somewhat primitive but we still had a great time playing our games... mmmmmmmm, Tetris, Street Fighter 2, Earthbound... Those are the games I grew up with and played in my early childhood...
But now with all these new games coming out with stunning graphics that require the last generation computer to be able to play them, the gameplay has slowly been replaced by the graphics.... Shame.

Monday, June 27, 2011

I need money...

I checked my bank account this afternoon. When I saw my money, it wasn't what I expected...

I have 324euros... I thought I had 500... What now? I need a bit more to go to China... should I ask my parents? should I make a bit more somehow?

What a dilemma....

I'm so busy, I can't get a job. I really have to sell my ps2.

My grandfather once told me he gave me 500euros back in 2002... I never checked that bank account ever since... until today. That's pretty shitty.

I'll find my way.

----------UPDATE 12:19AM--------------

YES! I just talked to my parents about going to "Amsterdam" ;) I told them I have a friend from my school whose grandparents live there and is willing to let me stay. My dad said yes instantly! :) My mom, like always, was scared but after a bit of talk, I think she is willing to let me go now as well.
My dad said he was only scared of the costs... Great! He didn't even ask me who pays it, hahah.... That means I can probably get some financial help from them :P
YESSSSSSS I only need the ticket now. I will book it as soon as possible!! 90 euros 90 euroooooooooos!

It's not unfair, because I already told them this winter that I wanted to go to a foreign country for summer holidays. So basically, they will be paying the same thing as if I went to Amsterdam because it's me who pays for the ticket!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Well done, dude...

So today I had my Portuguese language final exam... my first of two I make this year that will determine whether I enter univerisity this year or not. To be honest, I was never much of a good student at this subject... Yeah, all my school life I always passed all my Portuguese tests but I never had a brilliant result... Maybe one or two ;)

My grades at English were always much higher than Portuguese and this happened every school year with no exception. For example, in my 5th grade I ended with 60% at Portuguese and 95% at English. My 8th grade, I ended with 65% at Portuguese and 93% at English. Last year I ended with 57% at Portuguese and 91% at English... and so on.

Seriously, English is the language I find easier to express myself in... it's like I'm not shy to say whatever I think... Things that in my language I probably would not dare to say.
compared to most languages I learned, it was by far the easiest.

Anyway, the official correction of my Portuguese exam was released on the Portuguese Ministry Of Education's official site a few moments ago and well, I compared to the answers I gave... I defenitely passed but as usual, I think I won't have a brilliant result again, hahah... After maths, this is my second worst subject. I just... I was never really into it. It bores me :) Portuguese literature... I'm not very patriotic.

Now I will keep studying hard and focused because the worst is still to come... ha. Or maybe I'll pass it without much effort too?

Either way, well done, dude.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Tight schedule lately. I got a whole pile of things to do but I have no time to do anything at all! Where am i gonna find me some time?

The study for my exams takes me a lot of time I could be using for many others things so this better be worth it in the end! hahah let's hope so...

I never have time to even go out and take care of simple things such as my passport or figure out why everytime I put my bank card inside the machine, it keeps spitting it back out and saying "error reading"...
I just wish the day was longer.

Maybe I will take a day off from study when I feel like I did enough and I can take a short break to deal with all those things ;)

Or maybe tomorrow just before I go to tuition I can have a while to do that stuff.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

One month! :)

Dear YOU. Yes, you.

Wow, it's been a month already. A month has passed since that magic moment when we officially became a couple. May 12th 2011... I will never forget that day.

Thanks for everything babe. It's been very worth it so far. It was a wonderful month I spend with you as my girlfriend, you as the reason I smile everyday and your name always in my mind. Jie...
Don't forget that this is only the beginning of our relationship ;) Hopefully we have many more months, years, occasions to celebrate our love for each other...

The first month is always the most difficult. I said this because in this period sometimes people start to realize "Hey, maybe he/she is not right for me at all!" "maybe this is not who I want" "He/she is different from what I thought"...

Yeah, like you said, even if we both are confused sometimes, we still work hard and try to figure out a way to keep it longer. Don't forget all relationships have their ups and dows and challenges, Jie. Nothing to be scared of, because mostst of these troubles are just temporary. They come and go fast. Together we can easily get through this...

And remember, I'm always here to support you and to protect you... Heck I would die for you.

Sometimes I wonder why a girl like you would like a guy like me... :P

Well, right now it's time to celebrate this occasion! :D I love you my special girl. Being with you is the best thing in my life.

You and me. Forever :)

With a little luck I might sit next to you in September...

Monday, June 6, 2011

With you

Sum 41 - With You (2006)

I don't want this moment to ever end
Where everything's nothing without you
I'll wait here forever just to, to see you smile
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you

Through it all, I made my mistakes
I stumble and fall, but I mean these words

I want you to know
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'd bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go

Thoughts read unspoken, forever in doubt
Pieces of memories fall to the ground
I know what I didn't have so, I won't let this go
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you

All the streets where I walked alone, with nowhere to go
I've come to an end

I want you to know
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'd bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go

In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies
When you don't know what you're looking to find
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies
When you just never know what you will find (what you will find)

I don't want this moment to ever end
Where everything's nothing without you

I want you to know
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'd bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go (I want you to know)
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'd bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Last Week

Well, this is it. This week I will have what may very well be my last week as a high school student (god, I sure hope so). In a way, I'm happy because I'm sick of this high school life already. I'm here for 4 years and it's getting pretty repetitive and I want something new. But on the other, I will miss my friends... Everyone will go their own way after this! Some will join the army, some will take different universities, choose different subjects for major, some will drop studies... and so on. Well, I guess friends come and go... Sometimes too fast to even say "bye". I will make new ones...

I've been quite busy recently with so many things going on so I didn't have much time to update my blog. And I must admit a bit of lazyness from my part too :)

Here's my to do list for June:

Sell my PS2 (I barely use it anyway).
Study maths. because I love studying maths <3 oh, and the exam :)
Make my passport (I've been meaning to do that!).
Get a bank card. Yeah, seriously. I never bothered to make one yet :'D

Okay, no time to make this post longer, it's pretty late already and I got school in the morning tomorrow. I will update this again soon. Peace out!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I will have no time to update this anymore for a while. If fact, I will have very few time to be online. No more than 1 hour dayly. Because starting today I have exactly 2 months (or 3 of I fail the first time) to study for my final exams.

But this is what the system wants. You have to be good at ever single last one of the subjects at school and even if you fail one, just ONE, you're fucked. Even if you do are brilliant at the rest like in my case.

This system is old, outdated, faulty, unfair and it's warn off long time ago.
Fuck the system.

See ya in late June/July.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Night Rain

One of my favourite sights. And my favourite weather.

I find this inspiring. Night rain. I could look at the rain falling down for hours non-stop... the whole night. I don't know why, it inspires me. Unlike many people, it changes my mood... for better.

pictures not taken by me

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Paul's Story part 2

(this is part 2, please make sure you read part 1 published on April 10, 2011 before reading this).

So it was March 2009 when Paul met this girl not like any other he met before. He never saw a girl like that before, he was amazed and at the same time, captivated and excited. They seemed to understand each other more than well, they didn't seem to have any trouble finding out what to say to each other, they were always had something to talk about. Hours passed by with the conversation, they talked about all things like music, anime and politics and it didn't take long for them to start exchanging stories with a higher degree of intimacy that made the temperature rise.

When Paul let Mike know about this, he was skeptic as always. "dude, don't even know what she looks like in the first place!" (the picture she sent him was very hard to belive it was actually her on it and she doesn't have webcam and only showed one picture or two. But Paul, being passive as he is, didn't demand her to buy one either).

With this said, Paul gave Mike a chance to know the girl as well. After 30 minutes of conversation, he thought: "She's being too easy, something's not right here..." He later decided to do further research about this girl (facebook, etc).

Meanwhile, Paul was still enchanted with her but it didn't take long for her to change her attitude towards him. He began recieving one word replies which began to get colder and colder everytime. She wasn't the same anymore. He let her take the dominant role in their so called "relationship". No matter what she said, being the pacifist that he is, Paul always controlled his temper, kept his cool (appearently, that is. In real life he was thinking all sorts of bad stuff behind his computer screen) and took the blame for everything. He let it all out on Mike. Mike was like the shoulder who was always there to listen to his problems, thoughts, rants and laments and ready to give advice or humor him up (Mike has an impressive sense of humor and likes to make other people laugh and he does it quite easily).
In short, he was a friend.

One day, when Paul saw Connie logging in to her MSN, he tried to talk to her as usual. Except, it wasn't Connie who was there. It was a person called "Bryce" who claimed to be her boyfriend. (gotta love the anonymousity the internet gives us. I mean, how do you know that that 18 year old girl you talk with everyday is not actually a 37 year old man who's up to no good?)
So as I was saying, this Bryce who claimed to be Connie's boyfriend started talking harshly to Paul. Here's a part of the log:

Bryce says:
I know you and Connie got something going on.

Paul says:
... where's Connie?

Bryce says:
And once I find out, she's so dead.

Then "she" went offline. Paul was shocked. He wasn't quite sure of what just happened and didn't even know what to think.
He naturally became worried and that was notisable in his daily activities. He just wasn't the same anymore. No smile.

(author's comment: *siiiigh* This is so long. Writing this is a nightmare. But I already started so now I gotta finish it.... D: !)

Later that day, she went online again. This time she told Paul the stupidest bullshit of a story ever to explain him what happened. She said that she didn't know her boyfriend was there, appologized for it and said he's actually her ex and best of all, that's she's going to run away from home. She said her mother hated her (long story) and that she was going to divorce her second husband which is not Connie's father. Paul however, accepted this bullshit probably because he loved her and so it was pretty easy to belive what she said.
When he told Mike about all this, his reaction was "bullshit, man. bullshit. There's definitely something going on". Mike had an idea. He signed up for the anime site Paul and Connie first met and pretended he didn't know her. Her original account was deleted, but after about an hour of research he found a user which had the exact same profile as Connie did except this time her real name was "Ally". He sent her a message, got her msn, talked about anime for a while with the help of Paul and they had no doubts now. It was definitely Connie. The way she writes and spells, definitely hers. Oh, and she also changed msn.

Time to ask her for a picture.

Both Paul and Mike were shocked. The picture was not the same. She was half black!

Paul then angrily shoved Mike aside and took over the computer. After he told who he was, he asked her WHY? WHY WHY WHY? EVERYTHING I EVER BELIVED IN... MY DREAM... GONE! WHY? I FEEL SO BROKEN. I FEEL LIKE SHIT, OMFG.

This was goodbye forever. The reason that made her go so far with it? nobody knows.

--the end--


PS - this story does not reflect my beliefs or opinions and although it is based on real events, I made up some of it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Paul's Story Part 1

Hi, my name's Chris and I'm here to tell you a story that is highly based on what really happened in real life.

It's early March 2009. Paul who had just turned 20 years old a couple of weeks back, unlike many other guys around his age, is mostly a loner. He likes to spend his time at home doing individual activities such as playing video games, listening to trance and electronic music and watching Japanese animation (which we call anime). He's usually silent, mature, imparcial, neutral yet gullible, easily influenced and manipulated by others.

Paul and Mike were good friends. They were friends who shared several interests, many stories and secrets. They were best friends. However unlike Paul, Mike was a much more open person who is not afraid to say what he thinks and how he feels to others. He got a stronger personality and is not so easily manipulated and is often skeptic.

So one day in that month, Paul met this girl on the internet named "Connie". Or so he though. We'll get right back to that.
So Paul and Connie who met each other is the most likely place possible (a forum about anime xDD) and quickly become good friends. They got along really well and shared all kinds of stories and thoughts some even more intimate.
Could this be that Paul found the girl he was looking for so long?

It's 3:21am here now so stay tuned for part 2 comming tomorrow

---End of part one---

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Long day tomorrow

Early in the morning I will go to a field trip with my class tomorrow to far away. We're gonna a distance of about half the country to see some thing I'm not even sure what it is. I'm just going because my friends are going to too and the most important is the doing something together with them. Socialize :P

Leaving my hometown at 7:30am (ouch!) and comming back at 8pm. woah, 12 hours?

And this will the second last school day before the Spring break. Wonderful! Now I only have 1 more boring day. During the holidays I will be quite busy studying maths though x.x

I won't take a camera so if my friends take any pictures I will post them here. Otherwise, no pictures for anyone.

Also, LMFAO!! No wonder this got 59 million views... brilliant xD

White and nerdy... damn, I'd hate to be one of those...

You should check out "Weird Al" Yankovic if you're familiar with famous American artists.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What a day

April fools... funny day. You can say whatever you want and be whoever you are for a day. The challenge here is making others belive your stories :P

But it's not because of that that I had a weird day. It's the small things. The small things are the most important in life, life is made of many small things!

It's one hell of a long story and I'm too lazy to post it here now... so maybe next time :3

Anyways, time goes by, no time to think about it xP

Eminem's "superman" song says "girls, they come they go" That would be true for most people. But by this point, everyone should know I'm normal so neither of these apply to me. They don't come or go, hahaah... I'm jk

I've been having one heck as a time finding news, codes and images to post on my school project's website. Our website is about new technologies and gaming but well, here I am writing this at nearly 1am xD I wonder if anyone even reads this?

Friday, April 1, 2011

8 Mile

Yup... it's already been 9 years since the this drama film first saw the daylight... And the funny thing is, it's still my favourite movie. Well, I didn't watch it for the first time on the year that it came out, 2002, because although I was already a big Eminem fan back then, I was only 10 years old. I mean, would you let a 10 year old kid watch an R-rated movie meant for people aged 18+? :3

I remember that first time I saw this movie was in 2007, the year that I started to get much more into movies and a lot less into cartoons and kiddies shows. I was in a class and I was talking with my friends about our favourite movies. At a point, I said "a movie I always wanted to watch is 8 Mile and I'll watch it as soon as I can!". So I came back home that day and downloaded it (shhhhh!).

Ok, so most people already heard of a certain rapper called "Eminem" or "Slim Shady" in his old days, right? Well, this is his biographic movie! It's about his early life before he was a famous rapper. If you're familiar with his songs, you should already know what it was like but if not, it may surprise you that he was poor, dropped school at age 16, worked in several minimum wage jobs such as clerk at a gas station, working in a car recycling factory or even working in Burger King, had frequent problems with drugs, his relationship with his mom was very difficult and was divorced from his wife whom he had a daughter with (and lives with him). His daughter is around 5 years old or so in the movie.

Ironically, all these same problems going on in his life will inspire him on the writing of his rap songs. It's like the fuel that he needs for the fire to burn.

The story describes well the urban life in the lower classes of cities like Detroit (where he lived). This movie came out in the best time for Eminem, the peak of his popularity when everyone was talking about him so I think the year was well chosen. I think it's a good idea when directors make movies based on stories that happened in real life.

This goes to show you that you don't need a big budget to make a good movie.

I watched this movie twice more both times in 2010 and it will be on tv this weekend... This time I will watch it with my brother. I'm curious to see if they will censour some parts.

I will finish by saying that so far, this is the best movie ever made in my opinion almost 10 years later, it still rocks.

Some carefully selected images :3

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thinking causes pain

I read an interesting idea. Pain comes from thinking. Come to think of it, it's true! When people live in ignorance and don't think about the consequences of their actions because they simply don't know it's wrong, they don't feel guilty.
On the other hand, if a person knows that their actions are wrong and keeps thinking about it, the little conscience bug starts biting and their guilty sences jumps into scene :)

For example, we got a farmer who is an illetirate. He can't read or write. Let's say, that farmer uses dangerous products for the human in his potatoes because he heard it makes the popatoes grow faster but he has no idea of the threat it is for teh human health. He doesn't know he's doing something wrong and therefore he won't feel guilty.
On the other hand, if we keep thinking about the things we do or don't do, we will only cause ourselves more pain...

I wish I could stop thinking about certain things... Easier said than done.

Why do humans waste the days with thinking? why hurt ourselves?

Friday, January 28, 2011


I'm facing a turbulent period. I have many responsabilities going on to think and care about. I can only say one kind of responsabilities which is study really hard to pass the final exam. The other won't I can't say it because it's too personal :3

Let's see if I'm up to those challenges. I've been haaving one hell of a time thinking and finding motivation to go on but I always end up standing and ready for more. I get knocked down but I get up again! I already got some ideas of what to do but I don't know if it's enough. Such a bitter feeling this is! I'll just belive in myself hope for the best...
People are counting on me. Real people. I can't let them down! heheh don't worry... I always find a way, even if I have to do some personal sacrifices on my part.

Life is full of challenges...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Break is over :P

No, this blog isn't dead. It was just taking a break xD bloggers need to take a break too, you know. We work ever so hard to make our posts so interesting! :333

Ok, now I'll let sarcasm take a break and explain the real reason why I wasn't updating this. Well, more than one reason actually. Lack of time, lack of will, lazyness, lack of interest... and I think that's it. Not that anyone cares or reads this anyway.

Instead of writing how I spent my Christmas or New year's eve, I'll just post about something I noticed a long time ago but happened again lately. I might post about Christmas and New year some other time if I got nothing else to say :P
So, today when I arrived at school, one of my best best friends comes to me with a pissed off face. Then he showed me his cell phone and a text message from the girl he was chasing. It said "I have other things to do other than replying to you. Fuck you! bye". Yup, that exact thing. He didn't say or do anything wrong. she didn't reply him for 3 days for no apparent reason. Then she sends this... Well, this is just more of the same, ha. I'm not even going there :P

Guys usually like to hide their feelings and bottle things up. This is probably the reason almost nobody ever knows about what they're going through and just try to look as normal as possible. Someone told this to me and that person is right!

"in the end, it all comes down to one paper..." "nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it." I will do it and dedicate it to ya.